My dialogue with God "love each other"




I am your God, creator and infinite love. Yes, I am infinite love. My greatest ability is to love unconditionally. How I wish all men to love each other as I love you all. But unfortunately all this on earth does not happen. There are wars, weapons, violence, disputes and all this causes great pain in me.

Yet my son Jesus on earth left you a clear message, that of loving. You don't love yourself, try to satisfy your passions and want to impose power against each other. All this is not a good thing. I do not want all this but I want, as my son Jesus said, that you be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect.

How come you don't love yourself? How come you try to satisfy your passions by putting the second most important thing, love? But all of you do not understand that without love you are nobody, without love you are body without soul. Yet at the end of your life you will be judged on love, don't you think that? Do you think you live forever in this world?
Accumulate unjust wealth, do violence, but do not think of caring for your soul and establishing your life in mutual love.

But now come back to me. Together we discuss, repent, all this is remedied. As long as you regret what you have done with all your heart, change your life and return to me. Love each other as I love you, unconditionally. Take care of the weaker brothers, assist the elderly, help the children, feed the hungry.

My son Jesus made it clear that at the end of the world man was being judged on charity. "I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you hosted me, I was naked and you dressed me, prisoner and you came to visit me". Yes, my children these are the things you must do each of you, you must have charity towards others, towards weak brothers and do good without conditions but only for love.

If you do this, rejoice my heart, I am happy. This is why I created you. I created you out of love for you, for this reason I want you to love each other too.
Don't be afraid to love. I repeat to you without love you are bodies without soul, without breath. I created you for love and only love makes you free and happy.

Now I want each of you to start loving. Think of all the people in your life who have a concrete need and according to your needs you have to help them. Take the first step by doing what my son Jesus told you, without fear, without holding back. Free your heart from the chains of this world and put love first, seek charity.

If you do this, I am pleased with you. And I assure you that you don't lose your reward. How you provide for your brothers in need and if how you did it for me and I provide for you in all your needs. Many in the dark moments of life pray to me and ask for my help, but how can I help you my children who are deaf to love? Try to love your brothers, help them, and I will take care of you. So you have to understand that if without me you cannot do anything and sooner or later it happens in your life that you need me and you are looking for me.

I always wait for you, I want you to love each other unconditionally. I want you to be all brothers children of one father and not separated from you and me.

I love you all. But you love each other. This is my greatest commandment. This I want from each of you.