My dialogue with God "do not harden your heart"



I am your God, your father and infinite love. Don't you listen to my voice? You know I love you and I want to help you, always. But you are deaf to my inspirations, you don't let me go. You want to solve your problems, do everything yourself and then you get desperate and you can't do it and you fall into anguish. I am your father and I want to help you but don't harden your heart, let me guide you.

It is no coincidence that you read this dialogue now. You know I came to tell you that I want to solve all your problems. Do not you believe it? Do you think I'm not so good at taking part in your needs? If you knew the love I feel for you then you could understand that I want to solve all your problems, but you have a hard heart.

Do not harden your heart, but listen to my voice, you are in communion with me "always" and then there will be peace, serenity and trust in you. Yes, trust. But do you trust me?
Or is there so much fear in you that you feel stuck going forward and you don't know what to do? Now enough, I don't want you to live like this. Life is a wonderful discovery that you must live in full and not let fear prevail to the point that you stop and do nothing.

Don't harden your heart. Trust me. You know when you are afraid to go on and it arouses so much fear in you not only do you not live fully but you create a block of communion with me too. I am love and love and against fear. They are two completely opposite things. But if you don't harden your heart and listen to my voice then all fear will fall within you and you will see miracles happen in your life.

Do you think I can't work miracles? How many times have I helped you and have you never noticed? I have escaped you many dangers and malaise but you never thought of me and therefore you believe that everything is the result of chance, but it is not so. I am next to you to give you strength, courage, love, patience, loyalty, but you don't see, your heart is too hard.

Turn your gaze to me. Listen to the street voice. Be silent, I speak in silence and advise you what to do.
I live in the most secret place of your heart and it is there that I speak and I recommend all the good for you. You are my masterpiece, I can't help thinking of you, you are my creation and for this I would do follies for you. But you don't listen to me, you don't think about me, but you're all busy with your problems and you want to do it all by yourself.

When you have a difficult situation, turn your thoughts away and say "Father, my God, think about it". I think about it in full, I listen to your call and I am there next to you to help you in any situation. Why do you exclude me from your life? Am I not the one who gave you life? And you exclude me thinking that you have to do it all alone. But I am with you, close to you, ready to intervene in all your situations.

Always call me, don't harden your heart. I am your father, your creator, my son Jesus redeemed you and died for you. Only this should make you understand the love I have for you. My love for you is limitless, unconditional, but you don't understand it and you exclude me from your life by doing everything alone. But call me, always call me, I want to be with you. Don't harden your heart. Listen to my voice. I am your father and if you put me first in your life then you will see that my grace and peace will invade your existence. If you don't harden your heart, listen to me and love me, I will do crazy things for you. You are the most beautiful thing I have done.

Do not harden your heart, my love, my creature, my everything in which I am pleased