The miracle of life breaks the silence of tragedy in Turkey.

Sometimes life and death chase each other, like in a sadistic game. This is what happened during the earthquake in Turkey, where between desolation and death, life is born. Like a phoenix rising from her ashes Jandairis is born surrounded by desolation, as if by a miracle.

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An image during this huge tragedy of the earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria warms the heart. It's the little one Jandairis, born in the rubble, while her mother died giving birth to her. There is no one left of her family.

incubator baby
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The earthquake swept away his entire family, whose bodies were found after the collapse of a 4-storey building. Her rescuers found her still attached to her mother by the umbilical cord. Once severed she was entrusted to her cousin who ran to take her to the hospital.

The miracle in the rubble

The image of this scene is immortalized in a video lesson, on social media and shows the man running, holding a bundle in his arms, while another person screams to call the car that will take him to the hospital.

This image brings back to the fore a theme that has always split people in two: theabortion. How can one think of taking the life of a creature, when this newborn slams her right to life in our faces. This fact highlights the short circuit and the contradictions of a world which on the one hand fights for the right to abortion and on the other acclaims life in the midst of death.

Il miracle of life in this creature was stronger than anything, rubble, frost and the worst conditions in which a child can come into the world.

Yet the little lioness will be fine. She is now safe in the incubator and despite her forehead and little hands still bluish from the cold she suffered, she is out of danger and will live the life she fought so hard for.