The Eucharistic miracle of the host flying over the head of Imelda Lambertini

Today we want to tell you about the Eucharistic miracle ofhost that flies, but before doing so, to understand its meaning, we have to tell you about Imelda Lambertini.


Imelda Lambertini was a young girl of 12 years who left an indelible mark on the hearts of anyone who knew her. Her story has been told around the world as an example of pure joy, selflessness and eternal hope.

Born on 29 March 1320 in Bologna, Italy, Imelda was the second of four children, raised in a wealthy, devout, and deeply religious family. Unfortunately, her earthly life was very short, as he died still a child, at the tender age of 12.

A 9 years parents sent her to study from Dominican nuns in Bologna. That was precisely the period in which the little girl began to ask incessantly to receive Jesus Eucharist to the Sisters' Chaplain. The chaplain was constantly explaining to her that in order to receive the Most Holy Body of Christshould have done 14 years.


The miracle of the flying host

But in May 12, 1933, shortly before Imelda died, she went to mass, as she used to do.

During the celebration, Imelda experienced a great deal spiritual joy while the priest elevated the consecrated wafer.

After mass, Imelda stayed in the church to pray and she heard an inner voice telling her to relive that experience of sharing. Unfortunately, she was not yet eligible to receive it.


The little girl prayed fervently and at that moment, a miracle unbelievable it happened. Apparently, the consecrated wafer flight from the hand of priest through the air, it lit up and yes stopped on Imelda's head. That was God's will and probably his angels they had listened to his prayers and carried the wafer towards the Blessed Lambertini.

The people present in the church remained dumbfounded and the fact was quickly reported throughout the city. Imelda felt grateful and overwhelmed by the love of God.