The greatest miracle of San Michele Arcangelo

Today we tell you about the third apparition of San Micheal Archangel, the one that took place on May 8, 940 and left a tangible sign.


THE8 May of the 940, the greatest miracle of the Archangel Michael occurred. The story dates back to the time when i Saracens they had invaded the island of Monte Sant'Angelo, located on the southern coast of Italy.

According to legend, St. Michael appeared in dream to a local bishop, Lorenzo Mariano and asked him to build a church in his honor on the top of the mountain. Initially, the bishop he ignored the dream, but later, when the Saracens began to attack the village, he went to the top of the mountain to pray. During the prayer, St. Michael appeared to the bishop again, this time in physical form, and told him that he would take care of the situation.

While the bishop continued to pray, the Archangel St. Michael faced the Saracens with his flaming sword and defeated them. The Saracens were forced to retreat, and people began to believe in the power of the saint.


The Bishop of Siponto Lorenzo Maiorano got from Pope Gelasius I to be able to consecrate the cave where St. Michael the Archangel had appeared to him in a dream, to thank him for saving him during the Saracen attack.

But he didn't make it in time, as the Archangel appeared to him again telling him that he already had the cave consecrated by himself and entering it he could have seen a tangible sign of his consecration.

The tangible sign of San Michele Arcangelo

Il tangible sign of which the Archangel spoke was the imprint of foot of a child which is on a rock inside the room. It is said that this foot belonged to Baby Jesus, that he would have visited the cave together with San Michele. According to legend, Jesus' foot was imprinted in the rock as a sign of his divine presence.

Since that day, the cave of San Michele Arcangelo has become a place of pilgrimage for the devotees of the saint, who come from all over Italy egr pray and meditate. Over the centuries, many believers have reported feeling an angelic presence in the cave, as a sign of the protection of St. Michael.

In 1274, the old entrance was closed and the Upper Basilica by Carlo D' Angiò which inaugurated the current entrance to the Upper Basilica.