Our Guardian Angel assists us in prayer and prays with us

Precious being the time, in which we make prayer, time in which we can achieve great goods, the devil makes every effort to distract us, and to make sure that these precious moments are fruitless; and so it would be too much, if the Guardian Angel did not immediately run to our aid to make up for what our weakness cannot. As soon as I turn my heart to you, O my God, said Saint David, here are your Angels who line me around; In conspectu Angelorum psattam tibi (psalm. 137, v. 2). And this is because that is the time in which they aim at us in some way imitators of the Angelic life, which is all union with God, of God, love of God. Therefore from the scriptures derived, that the Angels {24 [110]} are at we solicitors for the prayer, are the Masters and the offerers. At first, the loving solicitors of our hearts detach us from earthly things hour by hour, and run with faith at the foot of the divine throne at fixed hours of the day, and in doubts and needs. They are Eglino, who with secret voices invite us to the Sacraments, to the temples, to the oratories, to the altars of Mary and the Saints, and particularly where Jesus is sacramentally exposed to the public audience. Nor is there anyone who, among his coldness, cannot say with the prophet to feel from time to time shake by his Angel, and awaken from the guilty sleep, and call to God. The Angel returned, and woke me up as a shaken man from sleep (Zec. 4). What an attentive companion he is of our soul, he says. Bernardo takes the most suitable moments to suggest the pure pleasure that he tries to deal with God.

If then the good Angel sees us in {25 [111]} somewhere gathered, soon the dear Master of prayer makes himself to us, saying, as he said to the prophet Daniel: I have come to teach you, so that you understand the things of God It speaks to the mind with supernal and living lights, and speaks to the heart with tender and heated affections. That if our Angels, says Augustine, there are always custodians, then in prayer there are all around happy and festive. Indeed teaches s. Gio. Gris. that the Angels are around us to sing; nor do they just rejoice, but respond with harmony of voices and affections as they have intelligently done several times. So the bishop s. Sabino was heard to tell the choir office with Angeli. St. Gustavo in hearing it, heard the Angels reply, and continued with them. She is the truth taught by the Holy Spirit in holy Scripture, that our Custos bring our prayers to the Lord's throne, as Tobias already offered {26 [112]} Ego obtuli orationem tuam Domino (Tob. 12, 12).

Oh dear Master, you who in my every prayer are present to me, get me out of lazy sleep, light up, inflame my heart, and make sure that placing it in your hands, great value portrays de manu Angeli.

Get used to offering your prayers to God at the hands of the self. Angelo: for this offer they acquire greater value and value. In the Mass s. Church prays that the sacrifice presented for manus Angeli, by the hand of the Angels, therefore you too, when you listen to the s. Mass, present the holy host with the chalice to divine majesty at the hand of your Angel. Today then get excited about a special devotion in attending Holy Mass.

In confirmation of the truth we have considered, we read a luminous fact {27 [113]} in sacred history, in the book of Tobia. This venerable patriarch after the destruction of the kingdom of Israel was led among the prisoners in Nineveh, where in the common abuse of his people he always remained faithful to God. Leading a pure and free life, he took care to console the afflicted, to provide to dress the needy, and especially to bury the dead. But in all these pious occupations he did not cease to offer fervent prayers to the Lord, which were presented to the throne of God by his tutelary angel. Obtuli orationem tuam Domino. These similar prayers offered to God by the Angel entreated Tobias many graces. He obtained the liberation of a granddaughter who was invaded by the devil, her son was freed from many dangers incurred in a journey; it was enriched with many substances. Tobia himself miraculously acquired his sight. Similar favors {28 [114]} will rain upon us too, if we are faithful to our tutelary Angels, and through them we will present our prayers to God.