Is our Guardian Angel male or familiar?

Are angels male or female? Most references to angels in religious texts describe them as men, but sometimes they are women. People who have seen angels report having met both sexes. Sometimes the same angel (like the Archangel Gabriel) presents himself in some situations as a man and in others as a woman. The question of the sexes of angels becomes even more confusing when angels appear without a recognizable gender.

Mother on Earth
Throughout recorded history, people have reported meeting angels in both male and female form. Since angels are spirits not bound by the physical laws of Earth, they can manifest themselves in any form when they visit Earth. So do angels choose a genre for whatever mission they do? Or do they have genres that influence the way they look to people?

The Torah, the Bible and the Qur'an do not explain the angelic sexes but usually describe them as male.

However, a passage from the Torah and the Bible (Zechariah 5: 9-11) describes separate sexes of angels appearing simultaneously: two female angels lifting a basket and a male angel answering the question of the prophet Zechariah: “Then I looked up - and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings similar to those of a stork, and raised the basket between heaven and earth. "Where are they carrying the trash?" I asked the angel who was speaking to me. He replied, "To the land of Babylon to build a house there."

Angels have a gender-specific energy that refers to the type of work they do on Earth, writes Doreen Virtue in "The Angel Therapy Handbook": "As celestial beings, they have no sex. However, their specific strengths and characteristics give them distinct male and female energies and characters ... their gender refers to the energy of their specialties. For example, the strong protection of Archangel Michael is very masculine, while Jophiel 's attention to beauty is very feminine. "

Father in heaven
Some people believe that angels do not have sexes in heaven and manifest a male or female form when they appear on Earth. In Matthew 22:30, Jesus Christ could imply this view when he says: “At the resurrection people will not marry or be given in marriage; they will be like angels in heaven. " But some people say that Jesus was just saying that angels don't get married, not that they don't have sexes.

Others believe that angels have sexes in paradise. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that after death, people have risen to angelic beings in heaven who are male or female. Alma 11:44 from the Book of Mormon states: "Now, this restoration will come to all, both old and young, both slave and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous ..."

More men than women
Angels appear in religious texts more often as men than as women. Sometimes the scriptures refer definitively to angels as men, such as Daniel 9:21 of the Torah and the Bible, in which the prophet Daniel says: “While I was still in prayer, Gabriel came, the man I had seen in the vision before me in rapid flight about the moment of the evening sacrifice “.

However, since people previously used masculine pronouns like "he" and "he" to refer to any person and specific masculine language for both men and women (for example "humanity"), some believe that the ancients writers described all angels as male although some were female. In "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Life After Death", Diane Ahlquist writes that referring to angels as male in religious texts is "mainly for reading purposes more than anything else, and generally also in current times we tend to use male language. to express our points ".

Androgynous angels
God may not have assigned specific genres to angels. Some people believe that angels are androgynous and choose the sexes for each mission they do on Earth, perhaps based on what will be most effective. Ahlquist writes in "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Life After Death" that "... it has also been said that angels are androgynous, in the sense that they are neither male nor female. It seems that it is all in the vision of the beholder. "

The genres beyond what we know
If God creates angels with specific sexes, some may be beyond the two sexes we know of. The author Eileen Elias Freeman writes in her book "Touched by Angels": "... the angelic sexes are so totally different from the two we know on Earth that we cannot recognize the concept in angels. Some philosophers have even speculated that each angel is a specific gender, a different physical and spiritual orientation to life. As for me, I believe angels have sexes, which can include the two we know on Earth and others. "