The Pope proposes to consider a "universal basic salary"

In an Easter letter to members of popular movements and organizations, Pope Francis suggested that the coronavirus crisis could be an occasion to consider a universal base salary.

"I know you have been excluded from the benefits of globalization," he wrote on April 12. “You don't like the superficial pleasures that anesthetize so many consciences, yet you always suffer from the damage they produce. The evils that afflict everyone affect you twice as hard. "

He reflected that “Many of you live day by day, with no legal guarantee whatsoever to protect you. Street vendors, recyclers, candy, small farmers, construction workers, tailors, the different types of caregivers: you who are informal, working alone or in the basic economy, you have no constant income to make you pass through this difficult moment. and the blocks are becoming unbearable. "

“This could be the time to consider a universal basic salary that would recognize and ennoble the noble and essential tasks you carry out. It would guarantee and concretely achieve the ideal, at the same time so human and so Christian, of no worker without rights, "he said.

Francis also said: "My hope is that governments understand that technocratic paradigms (state-centered or market-oriented) are not enough to deal with this crisis or the other major problems affecting humanity."

Saying that the coronavirus crisis is often referred to as "war-like metaphors," he told members of popular movements that "you really are an invisible army, fighting in the most dangerous trenches; an army whose only weapons are solidarity, hope and community spirit, all revitalizing at a time when no one can save himself. "

"For me you are a social poet because, from the forgotten suburbs in which you live, you create admirable solutions for the most pressing problems facing the marginalized."

Complaining the fact that "they never receive" the request for recognition, he said that "market solutions do not reach the peripheries and the protection of the state is hardly visible there. Nor do you have the resources to replace its operation. "

"You are looked at with suspicion when, through the organization of the community, you try to go beyond philanthropy or when, instead of resigning and hoping to catch some crumbs that fall from the table of economic power, you are claiming your rights".

The pope said that "you often feel anger and helplessness at the sight of persistent disparities and when an excuse is enough to maintain those privileges. However, do not resign yourself to complaining: roll up your sleeves and continue to work for your families, your communities and the common good. "

Expressing appreciation for the women who cook for kitchens, the sick, the elderly and small farmers "who work hard to produce healthy food without destroying nature, without hoarding, without exploiting people's needs", he said that "I want you to know that our Heavenly Father watches over you, values ​​you, appreciates you and supports you in your commitment ".

Considering the time after the pandemic, he said that "I want all of us to think about the integral human development project that we want and that is based on the central role and initiative of people in all their diversity, as well as on universal access to" work, housing, land and food.

"I hope this moment of danger will free us from operating on automatic pilot, shake our sleepy consciences and allow a humanistic and ecological conversion that will put an end to the idolatry of money and put human life and dignity at the center", he said the pope said. "Our civilization - so competitive, so individualistic, with its frenetic pace of production and consumption, its extravagant luxuries, its disproportionate profits for a few - must change gear, take stock and renew itself."

He said to members of popular movements: “You are the indispensable builder of this change that can no longer be postponed. Also, when you testify that it is possible to change, your voice is authoritative. You have experienced crises and difficulties ... that you manage to transform - with modesty, dignity, commitment, hard work and solidarity - into a promise of life for your families and your communities ".