The unpublished thought of Padre Pio today February 16th

16. Pray to Saint Joseph! Pray to Saint Joseph to feel him close in life and in the last agony, together with Jesus and Mary.

A former army officer entered the sacristy one day and looking at Padre Pio said "Yes, it's him, I'm not mistaken." He approached, fell to his knees and crying he repeated - Father thank you for saving me from death. Then the man told the audience: "I was an infantry captain and one day, on the battlefield, in a terrible hour of fire, not far from me I saw a friar, pale and with expressive eyes, said:" Mister Captain, get away from that place "- I went to him and, before I even arrived, on the place where I was before, a grenade exploded which opened a chasm. I turned to the little brother, but he was gone. " Padre Pio in bilocation had saved his life.