The result of the DNA, what is happening in Russia

What is happening in Russia. The affair is holding everyone with the breathless, but from Russia the situation is making Piera Maggio and her lawyer nervous. Is Olesya Rostova really Denise Pipitone?

From Russia the information leaked is few and fragmentary. So much so that the fateful broadcast should have been broadcast today. In which the girl's lawyer would read the results of the blood group, but suddenly it was postponed.

What is happening in Russia: transmission postponed

Case Denise Pipitone, il DNA yellow: Russian TV postpones the solution until the broadcast is broadcast
The episode was recorded but the embargo on the truth is total. Two countries, Italy and Russia, with bated breath with Piera Maggio and Olesya Rostova.

Tv1 recorded the episode of "Let them talk", which will air on Wednesday. He wants to raise the suspense by asking all the participants, even other Eastern European women who are looking for their daughter. To keep the secret of what will be revealed in the course of the broadcast. We got a lot of news about Denise's situation from the well-known magazine

So it is certain that now they also know the DNA result.

The Pipitone lawyer will participate in the broadcast of Russian TV. "I have just received an email from Olesya Rostova's lawyer confirming the willingness to cooperate with us and accepts the request to provide us with the results of the scientific examinations about the girl ".

Prayer for the family

Lord Jesus, you wanted to live for thirty years in the bosom of the holy family of Nazareth. You instituted the sacrament of marriage so that Christian families were founded and united in your love. Please bless and sanctify my family. Always remain in the midst of it with your light and your grace. Bless our initiatives and save us from diseases and misfortunes. Give us the courage in the days of trial and the strength to carry together every pain we encounter. Always accompany us with your divine help. Because we can faithfully fulfill our mission in earthly life and then find ourselves united forever in the joy of your kingdom. Amen.

Denise Pipitone: DNA examination expected