The role that the angelic choir of the Virtues plays in your life

Virtues are a chorus of angels in Christianity who are known for their work that encourages humans to strengthen their faith in God. Often, angels of virtue also perform miracles so that people inspire them to deepen their faith in their Creator.

Encourage people to trust God
The angels of virtue encourage people to strengthen their faith by trusting in God in deeper ways. Virtues try to inspire people in ways that help them grow in holiness.

The main method that virtues use to do this is to send positive thoughts of peace and hope to people's minds. When people are awake, they can perceive such encouraging messages especially during times of stress. When people sleep, they can receive encouragement from the angels of virtue in their dreams.

Historically, God sent virtues to encourage many people who would become saints after their death. The Bible describes an angel of virtue who speaks to St. Paul the Apostle during a crisis, encouraging Paul that although he would have had to face some intense challenges (a shipwreck and a trial before the Roman emperor Caesar), God would have authorized him to overcome everything with courage.

In Acts 27: 23-25, Saint Paul says to the men on his ship: “Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and to whom I served stood beside me and said: 'Do not be afraid, Paul. You must resist Caesar, and God has kindly given you the life of all those who sail with you. ' So keep your courage, men, because I have faith in God that will happen just as he told me. ”The angel's prophecy of the virtue of the future has come true. All 276 men on the ship survived the wreck and Paul later bravely confronted Caesar on trial.

The apocryphal Hebrew and Christian text The life of Adam and Eve describes a group of angels who accompanies the Archangel Michael to encourage the first woman, Eve, while she gave birth for the first time. In the group there were two angels of virtue; one was on Eva's left side and one on the right side to give her the encouragement she needed.

Do miracles to point people to God
The choir of the angels of virtues emanates the energy of God's grace by offering his gifts of miracles to humanity. They often visit Earth to perform miracles that God has authorized them to perform in response to people's prayers.

In Kabbalah, the angels of virtue express God's creative power over Netzach (which means "victory"). God's power to overcome evil with good means that miracles are always possible under any circumstances, no matter how difficult they can be. Virtues urge people to look beyond their circumstances to God, who has the power to help them and bring good intentions from any situation.

The Bible describes the angels of virtue who appear on the scene of a great miracle in history: the ascension to heaven of the risen Jesus Christ. The virtues appear as two men dressed in bright white clothes and speak to the crowd of people gathered there. Acts 1: 10-11 records: "'Men of Galilee', they said, 'why are you here looking at the sky? This same Jesus, who was brought to you in heaven, will return in the same way I saw him go to heaven. "

Founding people's hope in the foundation of faith
Virtues work to help people develop solid foundations of faith and urge them to base all their decisions on those foundations so that their lives are stable and strong. The angels of virtue encourage people to put their hope in the one reliable source - God - rather than anyone or anything else.