The blood shed by Christ: the blood of peace

Peace is the most ardent aspiration of the peoples, therefore Jesus, coming to the world, brought it as a gift to men of good will and He himself called himself: Prince of peace, peaceful and meek King, who pacified with the Blood of his cross both the things that are on earth and those that are in the heavens. After the Resurrection, he appeared to his disciples and greeted them: "Peace be with you." But to show the price at which peace had gotten us, he showed his still bleeding wounds. Jesus obtained peace with his Blood: Christ's peace in the Blood of Christ! There can be no true peace, therefore, far from Christ. On earth, either his blood or that of men flows peacefully in fratricidal struggles. Human history is a succession of bloody wars. Vainly God, in the most tormented periods, moved with pity, sent the great apostles of peace and charity to remind men that, having been killed Christ, his Blood was enough and it was not necessary to shed the human one. They were not listened to, but persecuted and often killed. The condemnation of God against those who spill the blood of one's fellow man is terrible: "Whoever spills human blood, his blood will be spilled, because man is made in the image of God" (Deut.) and wars, gather around the Cross, banner of peace, invoke the coming of the Kingdom of Christ in all hearts and an everlasting era of tranquility and well-being will arise.

EXAMPLE: In 1921 in Pisa for political reasons, a serious blood event occurred. A young man was killed and the crowd, moved, accompanied his coffin to the cemetery. Behind the coffin wept the dismayed parents. The official speaker thus concluded his speech: «Before the Crucifix we swear to avenge him! ». At these words the father of the victim rose to speak and, in a voice broken by sobs, exclaimed: "No! my son is the last victim of hatred. Peace! Before the Crucifix we swear to make peace between us and to love each other ». Yes, peace! How many passionate or, so called, honor killings! How many crimes for robberies, vile interests, and revenge! How many crimes in the name of a political idea! Human life is sacred and only God, who has given it to us, has the right, when he believes, to call us to Himself. Nobody deludes himself into being at peace with his conscience when, even if guilty, he manages to wrest an acquittal from the human courts. True justice, that which is neither wrong nor bought, is that of God.

PURPOSE: I will endeavor to contribute to the pacification of the hearts, avoiding to stir up discord and grudges.

GIACULATORIA: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, give us peace.