The Holy Rosary of the Guardian Angels. Effective to invoke our Angel

1st Mystery:
Let us contemplate the immense goodness of God the Father

Who, driven by His infinite Love,
He created the Angelic Spirits,
first fruit of His Creative Will.

(On the ten grains of the Mystery

the following ejaculation is repeated)

Father of Divine Mercy,
Angel Spirits Maker,
We thank you for trusting us,
to be kept in the Grace of Your Love.

(On the isolated grain of every Mystery

the following ejaculation is repeated,
making it follow by the Angel of God & hellipWinking

Holy Heavenly Spirits, Our Guardian Angels,
we thank you for your care,
the comfort and attention you have for us.

2st Mystery:
We contemplate the joy of all the Angels,

in Loving and Praising God the Father for Creation,
fruit of His infinite Love and His Goodness.

3st Mystery:
We contemplate the obedience of all the Angels,

who perform with loving concern
the Will of God, Almighty Father,
That manifests itself in all Creation.

4nd Mystery:
We contemplate the strength of all the angels

in loving, praising and serving God the Father,
Lord of Creation, following His Will.

5st Mystery:
Let us contemplate the infinite Mercy of God the Father

Who, manifesting His Love towards men,
He entrusted them to the loving care of the Guardian Angels.

(At the end of the Rosary)
Hello Regina ...

Angel of God ...


Glory to the Father ...