The meaning of the words "Lord, I am not worthy", repeated during mass

Today we want to talk about a phrase that is often repeated at mass and which is taken from a verse from the Gospel of Matthew in which the man, who came to Jesus to ask for the healing of his servant, prostrates himself saying: "Lord, I am not worthy“. But why is this verse always mentioned?


When we repeat these words during mass, we recognize that we are sinners and of not being worthy of receiving the presence of God in our life. This is not an expression of self-denigration, but a humble recognition of our limited human nature in the face of God's greatness. We are aware that we cannot gain his love or his mercy, but which are given to us freely.

This sense of humility and awareness of our weaknesses is an essential element in our relationship with God. Recognizing our shortcomings and our faults is the first step towards conversion and spiritual growth. The prayer “O Lord, I am not worthy of you” helps us to direct our actions and thoughts.


The "Lord I am not worthy" at the time of the Eucharist

Furthermore, the phrase "O Lord, I am not worthy of you" also underlines the great gift we receive in the'Eucharist, the central sacrament of the Christian faith. During the mass, the bread and the wine are consecrated and become the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ. This act of miraculous transformation requires profound humility on our part, as we are invited to receive Jesus into ourselves, aware of our unworthiness perspective, reminding us that, despite our best efforts, we are imperfect and limited beings.

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As we approach that altar with the heart in hand, we recognize our sins and we know that God will listen to us and that just one nod, one word, one look will be enough for us to be saved. It reminds us that God is us love unconditionally despite our shortcomings and invites us to respond to his love with gratitude and adoration.