The spiritual meaning of the crow

A crow might not strike you as the most majestic animal on the planet and when it comes to spiritual animals, there are very few people who would call the crow their first choice. However, the symbolism of the crow can be more powerful and more dignified than you think. In this article on the animal of the spirit of the crow, we will explore some of the symbolism of the crows and what it could mean if you discover you have one as a spiritual animal (as well as what this means in the first place).

What is a spiritual animal?
Before looking specifically at the animal spirit of the crow, we need to understand what this term means. A spiritual animal is a form that a spirit takes to guide you or send you a message.

Sometimes this choice is based on our personalities, other times it reflects the task to be performed. There are also times when the form the spiritual animal takes is, in effect, the message itself. So if you have a spiritual animal crow, this is an idea that can be explored further. So what does a crow symbolize?

Crow Exploration Animal Spirit Meaning
The crow totem (another term for an animal spirit of the crow) had a somewhat gloomy meaning: the herald of death that appeared just in time to transport a soul from the land of the living to the land of the dead.

However, the spiritual meaning of the crow has changed over the centuries and now has a meaning closer to rebirth than death.

When you see a raven in a dream, a vision or even in the physical world (although usually, circumstances make it clear that this raven was a symbol and not just an ordinary raven) it means that your time has come to move forward.

This does not refer to death but rather to leaving the past behind us. The crow totem has become a symbol of intelligence and flexibility.

It means that there will be times when our emotions force us along an illogical path and when a crow appears to us, we are reminded that every now and then we need to stop listening to our heart and instead listen to our brain.

Crows have always been seen as messengers of the gods, so it is important to consider any messages that might be forwarded.

The wisdom of the crow
Crows have watched the world go by for as long as humans have existed, if not longer. If a crow visits you in a dream, your best approach is to follow it.

It is possible that there is something he wants you to see at the end of the path or some form of wisdom he wants to share with you.

These will not always be pleasant truths, but your dream experience will play an important role in your journey. It is rare, even in dreams, that crows speak our languages, but if you do it is important that you listen.

Crows symbolism
When crows don't send messages or guide us along spiritual paths, they often bring different degrees of luck. The ancient Greeks considered crows to be a good omen, prophesying victory in battle and good fortunes to come.

For many people today, this belief still rings true, but the general oddity that crows bring will lead many to support the opposite opinion: to still see birds as signs of doom and death.

All we can say for sure is that the animal spirit of the crow still has a lot of spiritual significance.