The educational success or failure of parents (by Father Giulio Scozzaro)

I remember St John Bosco, a great educator of young people, precisely in these times of spiritual disintegration and despair of young people. We hear more and more reports of young people who have died either hanged from drugs or from angry quarrels between them. The percentage of young people who today do not pray or know Jesus is high, more than 95%. What do the parents think?
San Giovanni Bosco was extraordinary with children, young people, thousands of children abandoned on the street in the city of Turin in disarray, and with great dedication he dedicated himself to their salvation. He picked them up from the street, many of them were orphans, others abandoned by their parents for poverty and indifference.
The oratory as San Giovanni Bosco conceived it is a place that preserves many young people from dangerous idleness, from existential laziness and this dissatisfaction leads to a growing desire to resort to drugs, alcohol and depraved sex.
The real problem today is the absence of religious formation, they do not have a valid knowledge of human values ​​and live as lost and desperate.
The faults are essentially of the parents. The last two generations show parents concerned only with pleasing their children in everything, leaving them free to return home at any hour of the night, allowing what is not moral and which is not even humanly legitimate.
They delude themselves into having the best children in seeing them happy but this comes from granting them everything they ask for.
Except for a few, all the other parents do not know the strategies and falsehoods of their children, what they do when they go out, where they go and what they do. They do not know their children's faults and praise them as if they were impeccable and behave correctly even when they are away from home ...
Parents who know very serious mistakes of their children and close their eyes to everything, overlook and even explain errors and truth with serene severity, because of their wrong love and leave their children convinced that they are allowed to do everything.
Parents must always love their children, but they must come to the utmost knowledge of their children's limitations and shortcomings to help them and, if necessary, reproach them often. This is true love, they must always indicate what is correct to do, what benefits the soul, the conscience.
The approach with children in the age of development must be loving, constant and formative, making them talk a lot to correct them. Many parents find themselves exalted children when they go out with friends, or drug addicts, or addicted to unspeakable vulgarity and then return to their homes with the face posed like little angels ... Where were the parents?
Except for a few, all the other parents do not care about the religious education of their children, perhaps they are satisfied when they went to Mass but this is only the first step. Children must be formed by talking a lot with them already when they are children in order to know the orientations and weaknesses, even the inclinations that are silent so as not to reveal their weaknesses.
Children must listen, obey and follow the advice of parents both for their life experience and for age and this should express balance, but it does not always happen due to the mental confusion and worldly weakness of the parents.
The parent truly loves his children when he mainly cares about their souls, only they will live eternally, while the body will rot. But not only parents worry about souls, it is also important to the physical health of their children, with proper nutrition and what is needed for a dignified life.
The spiritual and mature love of parents for their children is present when they transmit a religious education in conformity with the Gospel.
The extraordinary figure of St. John Bosco is the model of all parents, he with the "preventive method" was able to tame young savages like beasts, dedicated to immorality, theft and every form of transgression.
It is possible to recover stranded young people, it takes great love, closeness, sure and consistent guidance, constant prayer for them.
In the moral and civic education of children and young people, it is crucial to warn them of the consequences of their rude and often violent ways of acting, it gives them that vigilance that very often they do not cultivate because they are reckless and do not remember the warnings of their parents.
Without these reminders and the consequent deprivation for a few days of what their children like, parents do not help children and children.
It is a true act of love towards them to call them back with firmness and great affection, otherwise they take over and everything is due.
Children (children or young people) should not be granted everything they claim to be capricious, if they are weak in this and legitimize themselves, they have already won.
It is a good formation to make them "earn" it with respect for family members, an irreproachable behavior inside and outside, with the fulfillment of duties, of what belongs to them, such as prayer, commitment to study, respect for everyone, tidying of the room and help to give around the house
Civic education gives the educational foundation to future generations, people who will occupy positions, and the conscience must be formed by parents.
Until they are impregnated with Evil, young people are pure, it is a material to be molded and they are formed by the examples they receive. It is not just the amiable and consistent presence of the parents, the intellectual honesty of the teachers, which determines the educational success is the content.
Road, environmental, health, equal opportunities and legality "educations" do not always report learning outcomes and the modification of civic behavior, they do not occur because the culture of transgression and violence, which they acquire from the web and television, by singers without moral values ​​and often peasants.
Today almost all young people grow up without safe and correct directions from their parents.
The mentality that is infused today by the mass media gives young people a swagger that a few decades ago was unthinkable, and this also shows the weakness of the parents that is mistaken for goodness, benevolence, generosity. Instead it is conformity to the non-educational methodology, the inability to dialogue with the children, weakness when the children raise their voices or even scream!
In Italy there is an ever growing educational emergency and the lack of a systematic and critical moral teaching of the rules of civil life, including good etiquette and good manners.
I defend young people and send back to parents the responsibility for the irreplaceable role of religious and moral formation. It must be said that even well-educated young people today are easily led astray by other unscrupulous young people, addicted to immorality and lacking in education.
Being a parent is difficult, then without prayer, without Jesus' help, you are not able to face young people and it is a real failure.
In the Gospel, Jesus raises a girl, so all parents must ask the Lord to raise their children from a meaningless life, a violent mentality and death, from all behaviors that are contrary to Christian morality.
Parents have to help their children a lot from an early age, it is not true happiness when they satisfy them in everything, but when they grow up as Jesus wants.
When a young man seems lost and prays a lot for him, his conversion, his spiritual resurrection are insistently asked, Jesus is always listening and intervenes as soon as he finds an opening in the young man's heart. Jesus loves all young people and wants to save everyone from eternal damnation, you parents have the task of teaching your children to pray.
The stragglers and without faith in God can change and become good Christians, observant of morals, by the prayers of their parents!