The Vatican authorizes Special Masses and Good Friday prayers for the coronavirus pandemic

The Vatican asked priests around the world to say a new prayer during the Good Friday liturgy this year and urged them to offer masses for the end of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Congregation for Divine Worship issued the new intention for Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Lord's Passion in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

The Solemn Intercessions, which derive from ancient prayers, are recited on Good Friday for various categories of people. They include the pope; bishops, priests and deacons; The faithful; catechumens, other Christians; the Jewish people; those who don't believe in Christ; those who don't believe in God; those in public office; and those in difficulty.

The new prayer is titled "For the Afflicted in the Time of the Pandemic". It begins with the priest who says: “We also pray for all those who suffer the consequences of the current pandemic, so that God the Father can grant health to the sick, strength to those who take care of them, comfort to families and salvation to all victims who died. "

After a moment of silent prayer, the priest continues: “Almighty Almighty God, only support of our human weakness, looks with compassion on the painful condition of your children suffering from this pandemic; relieve the pain of the sick, give strength to those who take care of them, welcome those who have died in your peace and, during this period of tribulation, allow us all to find comfort in your merciful love. For Christ our Lord. Amen."

The new prayer was presented with a decree signed by the prefect of the congregation, cardinal Robert Sarah, and his secretary, archbishop Arthur Roche.

The decree, dated March 30, said: “The celebration of the Lord's Passion on Good Friday this year has particular significance because of the terrible pandemic that has hit the whole world.

"In fact, on the day when we celebrate the redemptive passion and the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, who like a slain lamb took upon himself the suffering and sin of the world, the Church raises her voice in prayer to God the Almighty Father for all humanity, and in particular for those who suffer most, while waiting in faith for the joy of the resurrection of his Bridegroom.

"Therefore this Congregation, by virtue of the faculties granted to it by the Supreme Pontiff Francis, making use of a possibility granted by the Roman Missal to the diocesan bishop in a situation of grave public need, proposes an intention to add to the Solemn Intercessions of the above mentioned celebration, so that the prayers of those who invoke him in their tribulation can reach God the Father and that, even in their adversity, everyone can experience the joy of his mercy ".

The liturgy congregation also proposed to priests to celebrate a votive Mass "specifically to implore God to end this pandemic."

The New Liturgical Movement reported that an accompanying decree allowed votive Mass to be celebrated daily, except for solemnities, the Sundays of Advent, Lent and Easter, Holy Week and the Easter Eight, Ash Wednesday and Day. of Souls.

A votive Mass is a Mass other than that prescribed for the day and celebrated for a special intention.

According to an unofficial translation on the Vatican News website, the Opening Prayer, or Collect, reads: “Almighty and eternal God, provident refuge in every danger, kindly turn your gaze towards us, who with faith I implore you in tribulation and grant eternal rest for the deceased, comfort for those who cry, health for the sick, peace for those who are dying, strength for health workers, spirit of wisdom for civil authorities and a heart to approach everyone with love so that together we could glorify your holy name "