The seer Jakov to young people: Give your life into the hands of Mary!

"Many young people are afraid to open themselves to God and Our Lady, many say: 'how will my life be if I convert?' ... But it is enough to think of all the peace and joy that flow from the hearts of young people when they come together to pray together to be convinced that these are gifts that only God can give. Many wonder why the Madonna appears so long. There is only one reason: she comes for us, because she loves us, because she is our Mother, because she wants us to receive the good and because she takes care of us. Our Lady also comes because she wishes to take us to a goal which is Jesus Christ.

For 21 years she has shown us the way to reach her Son: the way of prayer, conversion, peace, fasting and Holy Mass. But to welcome everything she asks of us, we must not hurry but just open up to Mary, as she says in a message: "It is enough for you to open up to me, I will do the rest". We must begin to pray seriously, to pray with the heart and to gradually feel peace and joy born in us. Coming to Medjugorje only makes sense when we accept to convert, to start a new life with God and to bring it with us home. We are all called to be witnesses of the "Gospa" and when we return from a pilgrimage to this place it is not important to say that we have been here, but it is important that others recognize Medjugorje in us, it is important that they see God in us and can understand how He acts through us. This is the example that Our Lady asks us to give. I believe that we men have not yet understood how great the Love of Our Lady is for us! It is enough to think that she has been coming to earth for so many years just for us ... What a great grace!

How can we forget his words when he said to us: "Dear children, if you knew how much I love you you would cry with joy" ... And how many times he said in his messages: "Thank you for having responded to my call". But we must ask ourselves if we really answered her call ... For 17 years in a row, every day, I saw the Madonna, I looked at her beautiful face, I felt her goodness, I lived her as a mother, and when you she said that she would never come again, except at Christmas, I thought: “what will my life be like from now on? How am I going to live without seeing her every day? But then I understood that it is not important to see Maria with the eyes but it is important to have her in the heart. Our Lady wants to be in all our hearts, we just have to open it to her and put all our life in her hands ".

Source: Echo of Medjugorje nr. 167