The face of the Mater Domini Madonna of Mesagne exudes perfumed oil

La Madonna Mater Domini di Mesagne is an important religious artwork located in the church of the same name in the town of Mesagne in the province of Brindisi in southern Italy. This sculpture is particularly interesting for its artistic beauty, but also for the fact that it seems to emanate a perfumed oil from its face.


The sculpture depicts the Virgin Mary seated on a throne, with the Infant Jesus on her knees. The Mater Domini Madonna was made of cypress wood and dates back to the XNUMXth century, but the precise dating of its creation is uncertain. The sculpture has undergone numerous restorations over the centuries, but its charm and aura of mystery have never diminished.

The miracle of the Madonna Mater Domini

Today we will tell you how, in a truly surprising way, Our Lady manifested her presence first to a woman, then to all the faithful.

On Tuesday of Holy Week, one peasant who used to stop in prayer, stops in front of the Madonna Mater Domini. The woman prays to ask her for the release of all the miseries that afflict her life and she does it with all her heart and all the devotion she is capable of.


Suddenly, from Mary's face, a liquid similar to human sweat begins to gush out, a oil with an intense and indescribable aroma. The liquid was so abundant that people who came running in could soak their handkerchiefs in it. When the rumor of the miracle spread, the population began to go more and more often to the place of the prodigy, creating a real pilgrimage.

After this event, they followed numerous healings, especially of those who managed to come into contact with the liquid distilled by the Madonna. The phenomenon of perfumed oil is an integral part of the attraction of the Madonna Mater Domini of Mesagne. The church is considered an important pilgrimage site for Catholic faithful hoping to receive the blessings of Our Lady. Furthermore, the perfume oil has attracted many curious visitors, who hope to witness this mysterious phenomenon and investigate its origins.