How do Guardian Angels send us messages?

Angels definitely work through other people to send you messages, encouragement and inspiration. They use the people in your life, or sometimes complete strangers, to tell you directly what you need to hear. These experiences are very common; it usually happens when you have considered a problem or decision and need guidance, only to receive confirmation of your true feelings in a casual conversation with a friend who mentions the topic itself or gives you some much-needed information. I even had a waitress who mentioned information to me about something that I desperately need and that otherwise I would never have found!

This divine communication begins with your free will. If you feel at all interested in learning more about your intuition (which is primarily the way angels communicate with us) than you have been divinely guided to do so; the spirit is trying to help you. Simply make the choice and ask your points of view "what would you like me to know?" Learning to recognize their guide is very helpful, otherwise you could simply eliminate your intuitive feelings like fakes or coincidences and lose the incredible help you receive. The most important thing is to learn not only to have faith in God, but also to believe in yourself. Trust your instincts and intuition on everything! When you are uncertain, ask your angels for a sign to confirm what you are perceiving about a situation, a decision, a person or anything else. Follow the signals you receive.

Nature is very spiritual, so it is not surprising that angels work with the natural world to communicate with humanity; after all, we are part of nature. Some common messages from nature include butterflies, rainbows, birds and animals. The symbolism of birds and animals is very interesting because every visitor who repeatedly crosses your path has a different message. Hawks, for example, are a sign to follow your intuition. There are many articles and books you can find on these types of symbolic messages to help you understand specifically what your Angels and their animal friends want to know

Angels understand the skeptical nature of human beings and our "seeing is believing" philosophies. Since we often question our sixth sense, they send us messages perceivable through other senses such as visions, sounds and smells. Seeing the forms of an Angel (I often appear in the clouds), sparks of light and flickering lamps are all common messages from your Angels. Hearing ringing in the ear, like a pleasant frequency, often occurs as confirmation of one's intuition. The scent of roses or flowers is a sign close to your angels, to help you calm down and reassure yourself in a moment of need or to rejoice. These messages are not a coincidence or your imagination, they are forms of divine communication and offer you support to follow your intuition and have faith.