Incense: religious meaning and more

The incense, represents prayer, devotion to God, and the honor rendered to the person deemed important. But it is also an aromatic product that appears to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Incense is the generic name given to oily resins released by some plants such as la Boswellia. These are typical of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. It is a family of shrubs that filter a resin. This, left crystallize e burned, gives off an intense and aromatic fragrance. It also has several properties such as antiseptic ones.

Frankincense was also used to make the church environment healthier and cleaner for health. In the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, in Spain, there is a very large one incenser, more than one meter high. This was made to swing in the central nave making the whole structure fill with perfumed smoke. The rocking had the task of mask the smell of pilgrims and disinfect the air.

Incense: benefits and properties for our body

More property incense, which medicine has drawn on, are anti-inflammatory, antiviral and calming ones. Incense is also widely used for to ease the meditative state and concentration. An example is during the practice of yoga. In the sacred texts of the Bible and Koran many references appear on its use especially during religious ceremonies. The smoke diffused by the fumigation of the resin, rising towards the sky indicated the common thread with the divinity, it called for prayer and meditation. The thick cloud of incense can often cover our view of the altar. This is a good thing that reminds us of the mysterious nature of the Mass.

La fumigation it was an important customary ritual even during funerals. In fact it was said that the fumes accompanied the journey of the deceased to the Hereafter. Incense has a very important symbolic meaning. It was donated by King Magi to the Infant Jesus and was one of the best-selling goods in human history. Incense in the church is widely used and its religious meaning is to make our nose complicit during the rite of the celebration of mass.