Start your day with quick daily devotions: February 11, 2021

Scripture reading - Acts 17: 22-28 "The God who created the earth and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by human hands." - Acts 17:24

Where is heaven? We are not told. But Jesus promises to take us there. And someday we will live with God forever in the new heaven and the new earth (Revelation 21: 1-5).
When we pray with Jesus, "Our Father who is in heaven" (Matthew 6: 9), we confess God's extraordinary greatness and power. We affirm, as the Bible does, that God rules the cosmos. He created the universe. It rules all over the earth, from the smallest nation to the largest empire. And we rightly bow down to God in worship. God reigns and this should give us great comfort. It's not like a "Wizard of Oz" pretending to be someone in charge. And it didn't just wind the universe like a clock and then let it run by itself. God truly can and actively governs everything that happens in our world, including everything that happens to each of us. Because of who God is, when we pray to our Heavenly Father, we can be sure that he hears and answers our prayers. With his knowledge, his power and his timing, God promises to give us just what we need. So we rely on him to provide for us. When you pray to our Heavenly Father today, trust that the one who rules and sustains the universe can hear and answer your prayers.

Prayer: Our Father in heaven, creator of heaven and earth, we adore and adore you. Thank you for loving us and for answering our prayers. Amen