Interview with the visionaries of Medjugorje: this is what happens in the apparitions

Some interviews with the visionaries

Interview with Miriana:

Q .: Did the Pope say he would like to go to Medjugorje?
He said something like "if I hadn't been the Pope I would have already gone"

D.: You have 2 daughters: how did you explain this experience of yours with the Madonna?
We, Marco and I first tried to bring them closer to God, to the Church, to better understand what was happening to me. We read the children's Bible to them, we talked to them about Lourdes, Fatima and slowly we explained to them that I had the opportunity and the privilege to see the Madonna and it was normal for them because they grew up with it. Once Maria my little girl was playing in the bedroom with a friend: she was 2 and a half years old and we hadn't explained the apparitions to her ... I went to check them and I heard my daughter's friend saying: "My mom guides her car! ”, you know how girls are bragging about their mothers. Then Mary was a little silent and then said to her: "What is this? My mom talks to Our Lady every day!". So without saying anything she understood it.

Did you see her sad during the war years with you?
Yes, but not only for the war with us, you? sad about all the wars that break out, be it in Somalia, or Iraq..for you? war everywhere why? His children always die "

Interview with Jacov:

Q: Religious life was expected for you and instead you are all married ...
The Lord leaves us free to choose what we feel in our hearts. I have always told pilgrims, because this is one of the first questions they ask me, that if the Lord had wanted me to be a priest, he would have made me hear this call. I felt the call to have the family and I am happy to have it, to be able to educate it ... I got married I have 3 children ...

D.: Sorry if I go on staff but when you fell in love you said it to the Madonna
No. In 21 years that Our Lady appears and in 17 years that I have seen her every day I have never asked her for anything personal. Our Lady said: "Pray and you will have all the answers" and so it was for me. Once Our Lady said: "What I started in Fatima will end in Medjugorje"

Interview with Jacov:

Many ask me why the war broke out after the Madonna appeared but I tell them to look at the messages from the Gospa, which invite people to pray for Peace and I think this is enough.

Q. What is the relationship between Fatima and Medjugorje?
Look, I can tell you that I have never been to Fatima, or to Lourdes. I know there are 3 shrines where people go to pray and to convert and therefore there must be something that unites them so much.

Following is the presentation of a photo that was taken in 1988 ... to present it, they "had to" minimize the signs of the sun and the sky that God sent us ... saying that only the eye of the believer could see the Divine ... well! Rational. But the photo was really impressive: is it really the Madonna…? just the Holy Virgin! It is only a silhouette but it made me shiver because unlike the other photos circulating on the web, the Madonna can be seen very well in her face! And it's amazing ... let alone what to see her up close if only a shadow does this effect! (see photographs section on the initial page)

Interview with Miriana:

What comes from within, the beauty that is seen on the face of the Madonna is impossible to describe. We asked her a question as children, we asked her: "How is it that you are so beautiful?" And she smiled and said "Why do I love. My children if you want to be beautiful, love me" but Jacov, who was 9 and a half years old at the time when Our Lady left, said: "I think you don't say Truth "then we, as we were older, said to him:" How can you say that Our Lady does not tell the Truth? "And he:" But look at us! We can also love all life but we will never be as beautiful as her! " Of course, Our Lady spoke of inner beauty, if you love God, if you love Jesus through your brothers, seeing Him in their faces, you are beautiful because this is reflected on your face.

Indeed Miriana looks like an angel! Then we interviewed a Missionary Father whose name I don't remember, and asked him (always this delicate conductor) if he who is a concrete man believes in the apparitions (I think he took it for an atheist volunteer) and what meaning they have according to him. Surprisingly the Missionary replied that not only does he believe it but that Medjugorje is a very important fact given how we are combined in this world! Medjugorje is a sign that God is sending us to call the world that runs to really important things. And you understand it from the fruits .... there is a special atmosphere, pray a lot, healings (as the friendly conductor points out), the people returned totally transformed from there ... and did ex. of an Italian industrialist whose youngest son was kidnapped and killed when he was 17 years old.From that moment the industrialist and his wife, previously very religious, had refused to enter the Church and had rebelled against God holding him responsible for the death of the son after they went to Mass after many years. After a year, the sister of the lady takes them to Medjugorje, they return transformed, pray the Rosary every day and have forgiven the murderer of the Son, do good….

The presenter asks if Our Lady talks about peace and why? a pacifist? But this missionary has a strong faith: He repeats the fundamental messages of Medjugorje: Fasting (underlining the path of purification necessary to return to God) Prayer, Conversion, and calls himself Queen of Peace. We must remember that there are 28 in the world active wars "of which nobody notices" (says the conductor with whom I begin to get along) Pacifism is the movement of those who want peace, but Our Lady does not ask how pacifists do the absence of war but the Peace A gift of God, which occurs when a person overcomes his selfishness and opens himself to others by giving himself, even at the cost of giving up something or sacrificing himself! Peace of heart is transmitted to families and from there to the whole world !!!
OOOHHH! This is a nice ending ... here is the nice presenter who wants to know if the 10 secrets are important: P. Livio replies making a comparison with Fatima of which Medjugorje is the continuation and I know the Grand Finale, and saying that as the 3 secrets were also important the 10 secrets are… these are addressed to the world: the shape is not important but the content !!! In a nutshell, if we convert we will make this land a garden, if not a pile of rubble! (Mamma mia! Indeed ... Mamma nostra!) Then he stressed that the Pope believes in Medjugorje so much so that he announced the year of Rosario, the Fast on 14/12 last year and the prayer for peace on 24 January ... then closes saying that deciding on Medjugorje is the responsibility of the Holy See ...
lastly the interview with Benigni with Dante's masterpiece "Virgin Mother Daughter of Your Son" beautiful despite the smudges of the comedian who made him look a bit like a national-popular phenomenon but then he said
1) that Our Lady is the woman par excellence
2) who always relies on you
3) that there is nothing more true
I conclude here after we talked about the social forum… .ely

Source: fragment of the interview to the visionaries from the transmission of Rai2 Excalibur (unwinding of Ely - mailing list in love with Maria - the audience almost whole, as I got it)