Invite a Saint to recite the Rosary with you

Il rosary is a very special prayer in the Catholic tradition, in which one meditates on the mysteries of the life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary through the recitation of prayers and reflection on the steps of the Lord's life.


Sometimes making this gesture of faith becomes difficult, perhaps we are not very concentrated and distracted by other responsibilities. To make it more interesting we could try inviting a saint.

How to recite the Rosary in the company of a saint

Inviting a saint to pray the rosary with us, as well as encouraging us, can be a profound and meaningful experience for many reasons. The saints are models of Christian life, showing us how to follow the Lord authentically and faithfully. Having one nearby while we pray can help us feel close to God and welcome his love into our lives.

hands clasped

We can choose a saint who particularly inspires us, or one who has a particular affinity with the mystery we are meditating on. We can also choose one who has a particular devotion to the rosary, such as saint Pio of Pietrelcina oh saint Teresa.

Once chosen, we can prepare ourselves to pray the rosary by trying to get to know his life and spiritual experience better. We can read his writings, watch documentaries or films about him, or simply meditate on his image or words of inspiration.

When we are ready to pray, we can find a quiet place and pray the rosary calmly and with concentration. Let us imagine the saint praying with us, as if he were present next to us, and we ask his intercession for our intentions.

While we recite the Ave Maria and the other prayers, we can meditate on the mysteries of the life of Christ and Mary, trying to enter ever more deeply into their meaning and their importance for our faith. We can also ask the saint to help us better understand the mystery we are meditating on and to increasingly welcome their love and guidance into our lives.