Invocation to Saint Rita, Padre Pio and San Giuseppe Moscati to ask for a difficult grace

Prayer to Saint Rita for impossible and desperate cases
O dear Santa Rita,
our Patroness even in impossible cases and Advocate in desperate cases,
let God free me from my present affliction …….,
and remove anxiety, which presses so hard on my heart.

For the anguish that you experienced on so many similar occasions,
have compassion on my person devoted to you,
who confidently asks for your intervention
at the Divine Heart of our Crucified Jesus.

O dear Santa Rita,
guide my intentions
in these humble prayers and fervent wishes.

By amending my past sinful life
and getting forgiveness of all my sins,
I have the sweet hope of enjoying one day
God in paradise together with you for all eternity.
So be it.

Saint Rita, patroness of desperate cases, pray for us.

Saint Rita, advocate of impossible cases, intercede for us.

3 Pater, Ave and Gloria.

Most lovable Jesus, whom you deigned to come to earth to heal
the spiritual and bodily health of men and you were so wide
of thanks for San Giuseppe Moscati, making him a second doctor
your Heart, distinguished in its art and zealous in apostolic love,
and sanctifying it in your imitation by exercising this double,
loving charity towards your neighbor, I earnestly beg you
to want to glorify your servant on earth in the glory of the saints,
granting me grace…. I ask you, if it's for yours
greater glory and for the good of our souls. So be it.
Pater, Ave, Glory

PRAYER to Padre Pio to obtain his intercession
O Jesus, full of grace and charity and victim for sins, who, driven by love for our souls, wanted to die on the cross, I humbly beg you for the intercession of Saint Pio of Pietralcina who, in generous participation in your sufferings, he loved you so much and worked so much for the glory of your Father and for the good of souls, therefore I beg you to want to grant me the grace (to expose), which I ardently desire.
3 Glory be to the Father