I listen to your prayers

I am your God, immense, merciful and widely forgiving love. You know I always listen to your every prayer. I see when you go to your room and pray to me with all my heart. I see you when you are in difficulty and you invoke me, you ask me for help and you seek my consolation. You my son don't have to fear anything. I always move in your favor and hear your every plea. Sometimes I don't answer you since what you ask hurts your soul but your prayers are not lost, I follow you towards my will.

My beloved son, I listen to your prayers. Even if you sometimes give me an agitated prayer since you can't get out of thorny situations you don't have to fear, I will do everything. I always see you when you call me and ask me for help. Have faith in me. My son Jesus when he was on this earth told you the parable of the judge and the widow. Although the judge did not want to do justice to the widow in the end for the insistence of the latter got what he wanted. So if the dishonest judge did justice to the widow even more, I am a good father and I give you everything you need.

I ask you to always pray. You cannot pray only to satisfy your needs but you must also pray to thank, praise, bless your heavenly father. Prayer is the easiest thing you can do on earth and it is the first step towards me. The man who prays I fill him with light, with blessings and save his soul. So my son loves prayer. You can't live without prayer. The insistent prayer opens my heart and I cannot be deaf to your requests. What I tell you is to pray always, every day. If at times you see that I keep you waiting to receive the longed for grace and only to prove your faith, to give you what you need in the time set by me.

Always pray my son, I listen to your prayer. Do not be faithless but you must be sure that I am close to you when you pray and listen to your every request. When you pray, turn your thoughts away from your problems and think of me. Turn your thoughts to me and I who live in every place even within you, I speak to you and I show you everything you need to do. I give you the right instructions, the way to go and I move with your compassion. My beloved son, none of your prayers you have done in the past has been lost and no prayers you will make in the future will be lost. Prayer is a treasure deposited in the heavens and one day when you come to me you will see all the treasure that you have accumulated on earth thanks to prayer.

Now I tell you, pray with your heart. I see the intentions of every man's heart. I know if there is sincerity or hypocrisy in you. If you pray with your heart I can not help but answer. The mother of Jesus revealing himself to beloved souls on earth has always said to pray. She who was the prayerful woman par excellence gives you the right advice to make you my favorite souls in this world. Listen to the advice of the heavenly mother, she who knows the treasures of Heaven knows well the value of a prayer addressed to me with the heart. Love prayer and you will be loved by me.

I ask you to pray always, every day. Invoke me at work, when you walk, pray in families, always have my name on your lips, in your heart. Only in this way can you understand true joy. Only in this way can you know my will and I who am a good father inspire you what you have to do and put my will in the desire of your heart.

My son, do not be afraid, I listen to your prayer. Of this you must be sure. I am a father who loves his creature and moves in his favor. Love prayer and you will be loved by me. Love prayer and you will see your life change. Love prayer and everything will move in your favor. Love prayer and always pray. I, who am a good father, listen to your prayers and grant you, my beloved creature.