I am your peace

I am your God, love, peace and infinite mercy. How come your heart is troubled? Maybe you think I'm away from you and I don't care? I am your peace. Without me you can't do anything. The creature without the creator has no peace, serenity, love. But I came to tell you that I want to fill your life with peace forever, for eternity.

Even my son Jesus to his disciples clearly said "do not be troubled by your heart" he who on this earth had sowed peace and healing among men. But I see that your heart is troubled. Maybe you think about your problems, your job, your family, your difficult economic situation, but you don't have to fear I am with you and I have come to bring peace.

When you see that things are going against you and you are upset then call me and I will be there next to you.
Am I not your Father? How come you want to solve your problems yourself and don't want me to help you? Maybe you don't believe in me? Don't you think I can solve all your problems and get you out of the thorniest situations? I am your father, I love you, I always help you and I have come to bring you my peace.

Now as my son Jesus said to the apostles I say to you "do not be troubled by your heart". Don't worry about anything. The same beloved soul Teresa of Avila said "nothing disturbs you, nothing frightens you, only God is enough, whoever has God lacks nothing". I want you to make this your life. On this phrase I want you to create your whole existence and I will think of you in full without missing anything. Never forget, I am your peace.

There are many men who live in disputes, in disturbances, but I don't want my children's life to be like this. I created you for love. Remove all slander from you, be at peace among yourselves, help the weaker brothers, love one another and you will see that great peace will come down in your life. The peace of heaven will descend in your life, that which no one on earth can give you. Those who love me and do my will will live in peace. I am your peace.

Don't be troubled by your heart. Don't always think about your earthly affairs. Don't worry, everything will work out. And if by chance you are experiencing a very difficult situation, know that I am with you. And if I have allowed this situation in your life you do not have to fear from it many other very beautiful situations will arise. I also know how to derive good from every evil. I am your God, your father, I love you my creature and I never abandon you. I am your peace.

To have peace on this earth you must abandon yourself to me. You must turn your fixed thought away from your earthly problems and dedicate yourself to me. I repeat to you "without me you can do nothing". You are my creature and without the creator you cannot have peace. I in your heart I put a seed that grows only if you turn your gaze to me.

I am your peace. If you want peace on this earth you must take the first step towards me. I am always ready here to wait for you. In my love I created you free to act so I wait for you to come to me and together we will create your life that will be splendid and wonderful.

I am your peace. As my son Jesus said "I leave you my peace but not as the world gives it". There is a false peace in this world. There are many men who live without me and towards other people show themselves happy but within them they have an unbridgeable void.
But don't let that be so. Come back to me with all your heart, think of me, look for me and I will be there next to you and you will feel your soul in peace. You will be full of serenity.

I am God, your father. Never forget it only in me you will find peace. I am your peace.