Ivan of Medjugorje says the three things that Our Lady wants from her parents

Children must always feel loved and followed by their parents

In the message for the year of young people (15 August '88), Our Lady spoke of the difficult moment of young people, which we must pray for them..and talk to them…. We know very well what the world offers young people: drugs, alcohol and many other things. I think the main attention must be that of the parents. Unfortunately, some parents are more intent on material things than on the education of children…. Relationships with children should be these:

First thing: Parents should spend more time with their children today.
Second: Parents today should give more love to their children. The problem is how to give them love. Today children must be given truly maternal and paternal love, not that love which consists in giving them passing things.

Third: We must ask ourselves how many parents in the family pray with their children today in what way they pray.

Fourth: How many parents today are with their children in the family to talk together and reflect on their experiences? One also wonders what unity, which agrees, reigns today between parents and children. Not only that, but also what unity and harmony there is between the parents, husband and wife; and then what relationship is there between parents and children and between children and parents. And how did the parents grow up themselves, did they become mature people? And then what parents want to give their children. How parents manage to regulate children's freedom today. Many parents let everything go and continue to give money and money to their children!

This is only a trace for parents who want to reassemble their family ...

Parents need to accompany their children and educate them in faith, teach them to pray and enlighten them on all things in life. It is necessary to direct the child at every step in order to be able to observe what is not good, it is necessary to start him in life and help him to find himself, the child does not have the necessary maturity to realize himself, the parents have had experiences, they must talk to their little ones. In a word, the presence of parents next to their children is what matters most.