Ivan of Medjugorje: I tell you how to welcome the messages of Our Lady

Our Lady says that we must welcome her messages "with the heart" ...

IVAN: The message that has been repeated most often in these 31 years is prayer with the heart, together with the message for peace. With only the messages of prayer with the heart and that for peace, Our Lady wants to build all the other messages. In fact, without prayer there is no peace. Without prayer we cannot even recognize sin, we cannot even forgive, we cannot even love ... Prayer is truly the heart and soul of our faith. Praying with the heart, not praying mechanically, praying not to follow an obligatory tradition; no, do not pray looking at the clock to end the prayer as soon as possible ... Our Lady wants us to dedicate time for prayer, that we dedicate time for God. Pray with the heart: what does the Mother teach us? In this "school" in which we find ourselves, it means above all praying with love for Love. To pray with our whole being and to make our prayer a living encounter with Jesus, a dialogue with Jesus, a rest with Jesus; so we can get out of this prayer filled with joy and peace, light, without weight in the heart. Because free prayer, prayer makes us happy. Our Lady says: "May prayer be joy for you!". Pray with joy. Our Lady knows, the Mother knows that we are not perfect, but she wants us to walk into the school of prayer and every day we learn in this school; as individuals, as a family, as a community, as a Prayer Group. This is the school to which we must go and be very patient, be determined, persevering: this is truly a great gift! But we must pray for this gift. Our Lady wants us to pray for 3 hours every day: when people hear this request, they are a little frightened and they tell me: "But how can Our Lady ask us for 3 hours of prayer every day?". This is his desire; however, when he speaks of 3 hours of prayer he does not mean only the prayer of the Rosary, but it is a question of reading Sacred Scripture, Holy Mass, also the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and also sharing with you I want to carry out this plan. For this, decide for the good, fight against sin, against evil ". When we speak of this "plan" of Our Lady, I can say that I don't really know what this plan is. This does not mean that I should not pray for its realization. We don't always have to know everything! We must pray and trust in the requests of Our Lady. If Our Lady wishes this, we must accept her request.

FATHER LIVIO: Our Lady says she came to create the new world of Peace. Will he?

IVAN: Yes, but together with all of us, your children. This Peace will come, but not the peace that comes from the world ... The Peace of Jesus Christ will come on earth! But Our Lady also said in Fatima and still invites us to put her foot on Satan's head; Our Lady continues for 31 years here in Medjugorje to urge us to put our foot on Satan's head and thus the time of Peace reigns.