Ivan Jurkovic: food support in poor countries

Ivan Yurkovic: food support in poor countries. Permanent observer Ivan Jurkovic of the Holy See at the UN in Geneva, who spoke on 2 March at 46 human rights. It focuses, all on the right tosupply to everyone, especially those who live in conditions of poverty. Specifically, it wants to guarantee people in situations of economic hardship. He therefore speaks of support for primary food, invites the collaboration of others Country in carrying out the project.

In this regard, Ivan Jurkovic stressed the lack of social protection for workers in the sector agri-food. As for migrant workers, during the pandemic. He called it a kind of indignity. Instead, discussions on agricultural development should be at the fore. It seems that it is therefore important to support this category for global well-being. Thus invites collaboration with other states. Collaboration between states to seek sustainable and integral development is necessary. These were the words of Ivan Jurkovic, especially to understand that: man is the source, center and goal of all economic activity.

On 3 March, however, the theme of foreign debt. The issue of foreign debt caused in recent times by the international pandemic Covid-19. This pandemic has mainly affected developing or less developed countries, where the debt burden prevents them from guaranteeing the population fundamental rights. Fundamental rights include food and social security, health services and access to vaccines.

Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic: what the Holy See has decided

Archbishop Ivan Jurkovic: what the Holy See? The Holy See considers it essential to adopt policies focused on the debt relief of less developed countries. It represents a sign of true solidarity, co-responsibility and cooperation. A sign for all those involved in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Wise structural reforms, sensible allocation of expenditure. Other reforms that provide for prudent investments and effective taxation systems are the criteria indicated by the archbishop. These reforms serve to help countries avoid economic losses. These losses created by individuals who then make them fall on the shoulders of the public system.

Finally, he adds: that debts must be paid by citing the encyclical "Centesimus Annus" by Saint John Paul II. It tells us that: However, it is not permissible to ask for or demand a payment, when this would in fact impose political choices. For which such as to drive entire populations to hunger and despair. Debts incurred cannot be expected to be paid with unbearable sacrifices.