Ivan the visionary of Medjugorje tells us the reason for the messages of Our Lady

The most important messages that you have given us in recent years concern peace, conversion, prayer, fasting, penance, strong faith, love, hope. These are the most important messages, the central messages. At the beginning of the Apparitions, Our Lady introduced herself as Queen of Peace and the first words of Her were: “Dear children, I am coming because my Son sends me to your help. Dear children, peace, peace, peace. Peace must reign between man and God and between men. Dear children, this world and this humanity are in a great danger of self-destruction ". These are the first words that Our Lady instructed us to transmit to the world and from these words we see how great her desire for peace is. Our Lady comes to teach us the way that leads to true peace, to God. Our Lady says: "If there is no peace in the heart of man, if man is not at peace with himself, if there is not and peace in families, dear children, there cannot be peace in the world ".

You know that if a member of your family has no peace, the whole family has no peace. This is why Our Lady invites us and says: "Dear children, in this humanity of today there are too many words, therefore do not speak of peace, but begin to live peace, do not speak of prayer but begin to live prayer, in yourself , in your families, in your communities ". Then Our Lady continues: “Only with the return of peace, of prayer, can your family and humanity heal spiritually. This humanity is spiritually ill. "

This is the diagnosis. But since a mother is also concerned with indicating the remedy for evil, she brings us divine medicine, the remedy for us and for our pains. She wants to heal and bandage our wounds, she wants to console us, she wants to encourage us, she wants to lift this sinful humanity because she is worried about our salvation. Therefore Our Lady says: “Dear children, I am with you, I am coming among you to help you so that peace may come. Because only with you can I achieve peace. Therefore, dear children, decide for the Good and fight against evil and against sin ".