Ivana Spagna and her relationship with the supernatural

Host of the show, Today is another day, hosted by Serena Bortone, Ivana Spagna tells a dream that happened in 2001 explaining her relationship with the supernatural. He has never hidden that he has visions, that he warns of presences and that he sees them in different moments of the
day The singer says that one night she dreamed of her grandmother and there was a little girl next to her. They both smiled at her. The fair-skinned child had a white bow in her dark hair and eyes
blue, in short, she was beautiful. The little girl turns to look at her grandmother, greets and the dream ends.

The next evening, on the way, to reach the place where she would have done one of her concerts, she tells the dream of that little girl to her manager and how she was shaken by it. Before the concert, two
police officers ask her if she could meet a family with a small child. The singer met these people and they explain that it was the birthday of a daughter who unfortunately
she had passed away after a great suffering due to a bad disease. At that point Ivana asks the lady if her daughter was like the one in the dream, describing her. Mom burst into tears as she showed him the photo and it was her. He tells her that the little girl, named Pamela, was a fan of hers and died listening to one of his songs. That day was his birthday.

An episode that gave her the courage to write the book in which she tells this and more. Is there a life in the afterlife? The singer also tells of seeing presences, episodes that initially frightened her while today they no longer fear her. For her it is all a gift… and she is convinced that there is something beyond death….
He turns to God every evening, being very believing, so much so that he often falls asleep praying. The moment of abandonment when you pray means giving your serenity to God… Pope says it
Francis, a great Pope, a warrior Pope who represents men and strength. These very special bonds with those who loved you, the possibility of bringing good around being a bearer of light… But why does all this happen to you? The singer replies to the presenter Bortone << I don't know
because all these things happen to me but I only know that it does not end here, that there is another dimension. Our soul and our energy are released. We end up in a parallel dimension. Ivana Spagna has overcome difficult moments with faith and paranormal events are now part of her daily life.