What does the Bible remind us of the prophet Zechariah?

The Bible what does the prophet Zechariah remind us of? The book continually reveals that God remembers His people. God would still judge people, but He would also purify them, bring restoration and be with them God states his reason for reaching people in verse 2: 5. It will be the glory of Jerusalem, so they needed the temple. God's message to crown the High Priest with two crowns and the prophecy of the future branch that would build the Lord's temple pointed to Christ as both King and High Priest and as the builder of a future temple.

Zacharias he warned people in chapter 7 to learn from past history. God is concerned with people and their actions. In chapters two and three he states Zoro Babel and Joshua. Chapters five, nine, and ten contain judgment prophecies for the surrounding nations that suppressed Israel. The final chapters prophesy about the future Day of the Lord, the salvation of Judah and the second coming of the Messiah to give people more hope. Chapter fourteen details much of Jerusalem's end times and future.

The Bible --What Does the Prophet Zechariah Remind Us? What can we learn from Zechariah today

What can we learn from Zechariah today? Unusual visions, similar in style to Daniel, Ezekiel, and Revelation, use images to illustrate the messages from God. These represent what happens between the celestial and terrestrial realms. What can we learn from Zechariah today? God cares about His people, Jerusalem, and keeps His promises. God's warnings to people to return to God remain true for all people at all times. The passion of God for Jerusalem it should inspire people to take note of modern events affecting the city. The encouragement to finish the rebuild also reminds us that when we start something good, we must carry it out to completion. God's call to repentance and return to God should remind us that God calls us to live holy lives and seek forgiveness when we disobey God.

God is sovereign and maintains control even when the enemies seem to be winning. God will take care of his people. That God desires to restore hearts should always bring us hope. The fulfillment of the prophecies concerning the Messiah should confirm the truth of the Scriptures and how God fulfilled many promises in Jesus. There is hope for the future, with promises yet to be fulfilled regarding Christ's second coming and a God who always remembers us. The restoration is for the whole world and all nations, as indicated at the end of chapter eight.