The moving story of Christ reaching down with his arm

There are many images they represent Christ crucifix, but what we want to tell you today concerns a truly special, unique crucifix: the crucifix with one arm nailed down. This Jesus who seems to reach out to those who invoke and pray to him will move you.

Christ of Furelos

If we reflect, how many people unjustly condemned to such a horrible end, despite being innocent, before dying would have forgiven their executioners? Only a special man could make such a unique and magnanimous gesture and he could only be the son of God.

From that image of hers, her hands nailed, her feet nailed, her side pierced and wounded, we can deduce all the suffering suffered, but also theinfinite love of the gesture for our redemption. But there is a crucifix that deserves particular attention, also for the story that accompanies it: it is the Christ of Furelos.


The Christ of Furelos

In the church of San Juan in Spain and more precisely in Galicia, there is a crucifix with one arm unfastened. The first thing that comes to mind is that it has suffered an accident, been the victim of an act of vandalism or that it is a botched work. None of this. The work was wanted this way.

The author of the Christ with the outstretched hand is Manuel Cagide, which tells us the story of that particular crucifix.

Everyday a man went to church to confess. The pastor, however, scolded him, as he repeated his prayers in a strange tone and as if they were singsongs. But the hostile and irreverent man continued day after day to pray in his particular way. Fed up with those ways, the parish priest told him that he would no longer absolve him.

At that point the annoyed man went towards the Crucifix. When he looked up from him he saw Jesus admonishing the parish priest for not having absolved him and rebuking him saying that he himself would have given absolution to his son.

But the truth miracle it occurred when Jesus took his arm off the nail and directed the servant down to bless the man.

Since then his arm has remained like this, as if to remember the gesture of mercy that only Jesus could perform.