The continuous presence of God: He sees everything


1. God sees you in all places. God is everywhere with his essence, with his power. Heaven, earth, abysses, everything is filled with his majesty. Descend into the deepest abysses, or ascend to the highest peaks, seek any hidden hiding place: there He is. Hide, if you can; flee it: God carries you in his palm. Yet, you who would not do an unseemly or indecent action in the presence of an authoritative person, will you do it before God?

2. God sees all your things. Your appearance as your essence is revealed to the eyes of God: thoughts, desires, suspicions, judgments, bad complacencies, bad intentions, everything is clear and limpid in the face of God. The greatest, like the least deeds, meritorious or sinful , everything sees and weighs, approves or condemns. How dare you do things that He can immediately punish? How dare you say: Nobody sees me? ...

3. God who sees you will be your judge. Cuncta stricte discussurus: I will sift everything with rigor: revenge me, and I will really do it; retribuam! (Rom. 12, 19). It is very terrible to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebr 10, 31). What would you say about a child who scratches his mother who can only take revenge by spreading his arms and letting him fall? And how dare you revolt, offend God who will judge you and, if you do not repent, will punish you for sure? The first sin you commit can be the last… The fear of God pushes you to commit yourself to save your soul.

PRACTICE. - In temptations it renews the thought of the presence of God: God sees me.