The physical description of the Madonna made by the visionary Bruno Cornacchiola

Let's go back to the appearance of the Three Fountains. In that and subsequent apparitions as you saw the Madonna: sad or happy, worried or serene?

See, sometimes the Virgin speaks with a sadness on her face. It is especially sad when he speaks of the Church and priests. This sadness of his, however, is maternal. She says: “I am the mother of pure clergy, of the holy clergy, of the faithful clergy, of the united clergy. I want the clergy to be truly as my Son wants it ».
Forgive me for impertinence, but I think our readers all have the desire to ask you this question: can you describe us, if you can, how is Our Lady physically?

I can describe her as an oriental woman, slender, brunette, beautiful but not black eyes, dark complexion, long black hair. A beautiful woman. What if I have to give her an age? A woman aged 18 to 22. Young in spirit and physique. I have seen the Virgin thus.
On April 12 of last year I also saw the strange wonders of the sun at the Three Fountains, which rotated on itself changing its color and which could be fixed without being disturbed in the eyes. I was immersed in a crowd of around 10 people. What meaning did this phenomenon have?

First of all the Virgin when she does these wonders or phenomena, as you say, is to call humanity to conversion. But she also does it to draw the attention of the authority to believe that she has come down to earth.
Why do you think the Madonna appeared so many times and in so many different places in our century?

The Virgin appeared in different places, even in private homes, to good people to encourage them, guide them, illuminate them on their mission. But there are some rather particular places that are brought to a worldwide prominence. In these cases the Virgin always appears to call back. It is like an aid, an aid, an aid that she gives to the Church, the mystical Body of her Son. She does not say new things, but she is a mother who tries by all means to call her children back to the path of love, peace, forgiveness, conversion.
Let's analyze some of the contents of the apparition. What was the topic of your dialogue with the Madonna?

The topic is vast. The first time he spoke to me for an hour and twenty minutes. The other times he sent me messages that then came true.
How many times has Our Lady appeared to you?

It is already 27 times that the Virgin deigns to be seen by this poor creature. See, the Virgin in these 27 times has not always spoken; sometimes she only appeared to console me. Sometimes she presented herself in the same dress, other times in a white dress only. When he spoke to me, he did it first for me, then for the world. And every time I have received some message I have given it to the Church. Those who do not obey the confessor, the spiritual director, the Church cannot be called Christian; those who do not attend the sacraments, those who do not love, believe and live in the Eucharist, the Virgin and the Pope. When she speaks, the Virgin says what she is, what we must do or a single person; but even more he wants prayer and penance from all of us. I remember these recommendations: "The Ave Marìa you say with faith and love are many golden arrows that reach the Heart of my Son Jesus" and "Attend the first nine Fridays of the month, because it is a promise of the Heart of my Son"