Devotion to Mary little known but very effective


This Corona is a version taken from the Petite Couronne de la Sainte Vierge made up of St. Louis Maria of Montfort.

Poirè wrote in the century. XVIII the famous book «The triple crown of the Mother of God». Why triple? The Pope wears a triple crown, to signify the fullness of his spiritual royalty. With even greater reason Mary was to receive the honors of the Triregno, to honor in her three main qualities in which her greatness is summed up: dignity, power, goodness. Here is the diadem with which the devoted author wanted to crown his Queen and Mother. Montfort (Treaty No. 225) composed and distributed this chaplet which summarizes the teachings of Poirè.

12 STAR CROWN - Text

We praise you, Virgin Mary: we remember the wonders worked in you by the Lord.


Our father..
1. Blessed are you, Mary, Mother of the Lord! By remaining a virgin, you gave the world the Creator.
Ave Maria..
2. You are an unfathomable mystery, Holy Virgin! You carried the immense God in your womb, which the heavens cannot contain.
Ave Maria..
3. You are all beautiful Virgin Mary! No stain obscures your splendor.
Ave Maria..
4. The gifts that God has given you, O Virgin, are more numerous than the stars of heaven.
Ave Maria..

Glory to the Father ...


Our father..
5. Blessed are you, Mary, queen of the world! Accompany us on the way to the kingdom of heaven
Ave Maria..
6. Blessed are you, Mary, full of grace! Also communicate to us the gifts of God.
Ave Maria..
7. Blessed are you, Maria, our mediator! Make our encounter with Christ more intimate.
Ave Maria..
8. Blessed are you, Mary, winner of the forces of evil! Help us to follow you on the way of the Gospel.
Hail Mary ... Glory be to the Father ...


Our father..
9. Praise you, refuge of sinners! Intercede for us with the Lord.
Ave Maria..
10. Praise you, mother of men! Teach us to live as children of God.
Ave Maria..
11. Praise you, giver of joy! Guide us to eternal happiness.
Ave Maria..
12. Praise you, our help in life and in death! Welcome us to the kingdom of God.
Holy Mary…

Glory to the Father ...

Lord, Almighty God, through Mary Most Holy, our Mother, we recommend the intention that is so dear to us (express it). Let us soon rejoice because you have answered us. Santa Maria, intercede for us