The devotion requested by Mary that is spread all over the world


There are three dates that have great relevance in the history of the Fontanelle and more generally of the Marian apparitions in Montichiari.

The first is July 13, 1947, the day of the first appearance of Maria Rosa Mistica to the visionary Pierina Gilli. On that same occasion, Our Lady will ask that "the 13th of each month be a Marian day to which special preparation prayers for 12 days are premised".

The second is April 17, 1966, which was Albis Sunday that year. Maria summons Pierina alle Fontanelle after having invited her in the previous three days to make a pilgrimage of penance from the Church of Montichiari to the place of the source. And there, precisely on April 17, going down the ladder he will touch the water of the pool transforming it into a source of healing for the body and the spirit: "Source of mercy, Source of grace for all children" to use the words of Maria.

The third date is October 13, again in 1966. It is expressly indicated to the visionary in the apparition of August 6 of that same year. Maria says to Pierina: «My Divine Son has sent me again to ask for the World Union of the restorative Communion and this is the 13th of October. This holy initiative which must begin this year for the first time and be repeated every year is widespread throughout the world. "

On November 15, 1966, Mary will return to the topic, explaining better the reason for the request of that particular day desired by Heaven: "to call souls to the love of the Holy Eucharist ... since there are many men and also Christians who would like to reduce them only as a symbol ... I intervened to ask the World Union of the restorative Communion ".

Three dates, we said, different over time yet closely related to each other that remember in order: the first appearance in Montichiari, which opens a new channel of grace and mercy between Heaven and earth, between God and men with mediation of Mary; the gift of a Source, a powerful healing tool; and finally a poignant and moving request for love.

In fact, in that request for reparatory communion, it is as if Jesus sent us to say: return this love of mine so great for you, accept my gift, at least you who have recognized it. Do it also for others, for those who ignore it, neglect it or even offend it.

Hold yourselves, you believers who say you are close to me, in a fate of mystical chain that embraces the world, join me more closely so that my love can reach everyone, even those who do not believe or who, while believing, offend me or neglect me .

Maria will say on July 8, 1977: "To you, Pierina, I manifest the pain of this maternal heart of mine because in these times the lament of my Divine Son is excruciating! ... Because he is left abandoned as a prisoner day and night in certain tabernacles ... and few people, even consecrated souls, understand this painful lament of abandonment and invitation to visit him! ... therefore we need souls of prayer, generous souls who offer their suffering to repair and console his Heart which is outraged and offended in the SS. Eucharist! ... The weather is sad because of the offense made to the Lord by so many bad children ... therefore it takes good and willing souls who know how to give my Son Jesus so much love to console him! ... ".

Asking for the World Union of Restorative Communion, Mary therefore seems to remind us of two things: first of all that the extraordinary channel of grace opened to Montichiari and confirmed by the presence of the miraculous Source, is very important, it is a great gift but it must always result in the Eucharist, that is in that great gift that Jesus made to us and makes us of himself.

Nothing can replace the extraordinary nature and grandeur of this tool. There and only there is the bread of life. Secondly, Mary's request leads us to reflect on the meaning and value of the Mystical Body: even if sometimes we do not think about it and we do not see it, in reality, in Jesus and with Mary's mediation, we men are all brothers who they communicate intimately with each other. Thus others can pray and repair for our sins and we for their sins, so that the love of Jesus, eager to communicate himself to everyone, can overflow from one to the other.

We report from the Diary of the seer chosen by the Madonna, Pierina Gilli the words that refer to the second Sunday of October and that Pierina receives from the Madonna.

“My Divine Son Jesus sent me again to ask for the World Union of the Restorative Communion and this is on October 13th (II Sunday).

This holy initiative which must begin this year and be repeated every year is widespread all over the world. An abundance of my graces is assured to those reverend priests and faithful who will do this Eucharistic practice. With wheat ... (reference to the wheat grown in the field where the Crucifix now stands) sandwiches are made to be distributed here at the Source in memory of our coming ; and this is thanks to the children who work the land. "

11 October 1975

"The blessing of the Lord descend on all these children! Behold, I come to call pointing to Heaven, bringing messages of love! Children I love you with the love of Jesus who is an infinite love! I want you all safe!

I come to bring harmony, peace ..., to make it reign in the world!

As a loving Mother I give myself around to reunite the children ... the most distant ... with patience and with the Lord's Mercy I await them on my return!

Here is the mediation of the Mother of Heaven who has no limits of concern to lead everyone to the Lord! ... Yes, I am Mary, ... Rosa ... Mystical Body Mother of the Church: this is the message that has been manifested to you for years, poor creature !

This is why, carrying messages of love towards children, she also uses the most beautiful flower as a symbol, which is the rose perfumed by the love of the Lord.

Another of his gifts is the spring (Fontanelle), because he is always a living spring that brings forth his graces for his children.

Children, love each other, ask, ask: Jesus never says no ... he does not deny anything to this Mother and gives ... gives Himself for all humanity.

What greater love than the Divine Son Jesus! Come on, daughter. In humility, in hidden suffering it will be your spiritual perfection. To all the children say that I always give the graces and blessings of the Lord