The devotion appreciated by the Madonna and let us entrust ourselves to her maternal goodness

This novena of Rosaries was designed primarily to honor Mary, our Mother and Queen of the most holy Rosary. We know that the Rosary is the prayer that you like most and, while we pay you our homage, we present everyone's needs to you, because we are all brothers and sisters and it is our duty to pray for each other. We also ask that he grant us a grace that is particularly dear to us, trusting in his maternal goodness.

This Novena is prayed by reciting for nine days a crown of the Holy Rosary (5 dozen) as follows:

In the Name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

O God, come save me. O Lord, make haste to help me.


Initial prayer:

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, in this age when humanity is plagued by many evils and suffers from too many sins, we turn to you. You are Mother of Mercy and, for this reason, we ask you to intercede for peace in hearts and nations. We need, Mother, the Peace that only the Lord Jesus can give us. Good Mother, obtain for us the grace of contrition, so that we can receive forgiveness from the Lord and renew our life on a serious journey back to God. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we address our prayers to you: defend us in the fight against evil and support us in the trials of life. Mother of Mercy, we entrust our children to you to protect them, our young people to protect you from temptations, our families to remain faithful in love, our sick people to heal and all our brothers in their needs. You, Good Mother, know what we need before we even ask you and we trust in your powerful help. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!

Queen of the most holy Rosary, we entrust our life and all humanity to you: in your Immaculate Heart we seek refuge, to be saved in times of need. Mother of Mercy, look pitying on our sufferings and help us in all our needs. Good Mother, accept our prayer and grant the grace that we ask you with this novena of Rosaries (...............) if it is useful for our souls. Grant that the Will of God is fulfilled in us and that we become instruments of his Infinite Love. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!

Proceed reciting the Rosary of the day (according to the mysteries suggested by the Church):

Joyful mysteries (Monday and Saturday)

In the first joyful mystery we contemplate the Annunciation of the Angel to Mary

In the second joyful mystery we contemplate Mary's visit to St. Elizabeth

In the third joyful mystery we contemplate the birth of Jesus

In the fourth joyful mystery we contemplate the Presentation of Jesus in the temple

In the fifth joyful mystery we contemplate the loss and the finding of Jesus among the doctors of the temple

Painful mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)

In the first painful mystery we contemplate the prayer of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.

In the second painful mystery we contemplate the Flagellation of Jesus

In the third painful mystery we contemplate the Coronation of thorns of Jesus

In the fourth painful mystery we contemplate the Ascent of Jesus on Calvary loaded with the Cross

In the fifth painful mystery we contemplate the Crucifixion and death of Jesus

Bright Mysteries (Thursday)

In the first luminous mystery we contemplate the Baptism of Jesus at the Jordan

In the second luminous mystery we contemplate the Wedding at Cana

In the third luminous mystery we contemplate the proclamation of the Kingdom of God with the invitation to Conversion

In the fourth luminous mystery we contemplate the Transfiguration of Jesus on the Tabor

In the fifth luminous mystery we contemplate the institution of the Eucharist

Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday)

In the first glorious mystery we contemplate the Resurrection of Jesus

In the second glorious mystery we contemplate the Ascension of Jesus to Heaven

In the third glorious mystery we contemplate the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Virgin Mary and the Apostles in the Upper Room

In the fourth glorious mystery we contemplate the Assumption of Mary into Heaven

In the fifth glorious mystery we contemplate the Coronation of the Virgin Mary in the Glory of the Angels and Saints

After the last mystery, recite the Salve Regina and conclude with the following prayer:

Final prayer:

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, we entrust to you all those who suffer because of injustice, those who do not have a decent job, the elderly because they do not lose good hope, the sick in body and spirit to be healed, the dying to be saved. Mother of Mercy, free the holy souls of Purgatory, so that they may reach eternal bliss. Good Mother, protect life from the moment of conception to its natural end and obtain the repentance of all those who do not respect the Laws of God. Mary Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!

Queen of the most holy Rosary and Mother of God, look compassionate on my afflictions and grant me the grace that I ask of you (………), if it is convenient for my soul. Mother of Mercy, obtain for me above all grace of obedience to the Divine Will, so that I may follow and serve your Son Jesus, my Lord. Good Mother, grant me the graces that I await from your infinite goodness and help me grow in faith. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us.

Queen of the most holy Rosary, after asking for the graces that we hope to obtain, we want to thank you because we know and believe that you listen to us and you are a Tender Mother who loves us with infinite Love. Mother of Mercy increase our love for you, for the Lord and for our neighbor. Be our Teacher of life and prayer, so that we can open ourselves to the knowledge of the truth and receive the fullness of the graces that Jesus has obtained for us, by pouring out all his Precious Blood. Good Mother, hold us by the hand in every step of our earthly journey. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary pray for us and pray with us for the conversion of the world and the salvation of all souls. Get us the grace to always be able to forgive and love our enemies. Mother of Mercy pray for us and pray with us for the sanctification of the Church, so that all Christians may become salt of the earth and light of the world. Protect the Church from the dangers of the devil and confirm in faith and love all those whom Jesus has called to be His witnesses. It raises holy vocations to the priesthood, religious and missionary life and Christian marriage. Good Mother pray for us and pray with us so that the glory of God the Father may be recognized soon on all the earth. Mary, Mediatrix of all graces, have mercy on us!