The guide of Saint Michael and the Angels towards converted sinners

I. Consider how St. Michael the Archangel, full of love for men, after having called them back from sin, becomes their guide, leader, teacher of holiness. His concern is to see Christians with virtues. What did our father Adam do? Immediately after the sin he appeared to him and instructed him to make it worthy penance: he taught him how he had to work the land to eat bread with the sweat of his forehead, how he had to live holy, he instructed him on the things necessary to save himself, recommending the observance of the natural law, he revealed to him the great and secret mysteries of the future time: he did the same with Eve on everything that referred to his state. Adam, full of years, left this life without committing another foul, full of virtues and merits for the benefits of St. Michael. Who will ever understand the vast ocean of St. Michael's charity?

II. Consider as such charity of the glorious Seraphic, beyond Adam, all sinners who invoke and honor him have experienced it and experience it: for his patronage the chosen people brought victory over his temporal enemies, as for his patronage the converted sinner brings victory over his spiritual enemies: world, flesh and demon. He blessed Jacob, the sinner full of heavenly blessings; he freed Loth from the fire, Daniel from the lions, Susanna from the false accusers, likewise frees his devoted sinners from the fire of hell, from temptations, from slanders. His charity gave courage to the martyrs in the torments, supported the confessors in the purity of the faith, helped the souls in perfection: the same charity makes the amended sinners practice penance, remain humble, docile, fervent, obedient. Oh how great is the love of St. Michael for the faithful! He is truly the father and defender of Christians.

III. Consider, O Christian, that much benevolence of St. Michael the Archangel towards converted sinners arises from the immense charity that he has towards God, for which he loves and wants all that God himself loves and wants. Now, God loves the repentant sinner ardently and rejoices to see the prodigal son returned to his feet. Similarly St. Michael, as Prince of the Angels, tries in the conversion of the sinner, greater joy than that of the Angels. Learn from this to earn the love and benevolence of the high Archangel. Have you sinned? Although a sinner, you can also experience his beneficial favors: do penance for your fouls; amend your bad life, return to the bosom of your heavenly Father.

Malloate King of Dacia, who responds to today's Transylvania, was afflicted because he saw his kingdom without successor. In fact, although the Queen his wife gave him a son every year, none of them managed to live longer than a year so that while one was born, the other died. A holy monk advised the King to put himself under the special protection of St. Michael the Archangel, and to offer him some special homage every day. The King obeyed. After some time, the queen gave birth to two twin children and both died with great pain to her husband and the whole kingdom. Not for this the King abandoned his devout practices, but rather conceived more confidence in his Protector S. Michele, and commanded that the children's bodies be brought into the Church, that they placed themselves on the altar of the Holy Archangel Michael, and that all his subjects asked for mercy and help from San Michele. He too went to church with his people although under a pavilion with the curtains lowered, not so much to hide his pain, but to be able to pray more fervently. While all the people prayed together with his sovereign the glorious St. Michael appeared to the King, and said to him: «I am Michael Prince of the Militias of God, whom you have called to your aid; your fervent prayers and those of the people, accompanied by ours, have been answered by the Divine Majesty, who wants to resurrect your children. From here on you improve your life, reform your customs and those of your vassals. Do not listen to bad advisers, return to the Church what you have usurped, because because of these faults God sent you these punishments. And for you to apply yourself to what I recommend, aim for your two resurrected children, and know that I will guard their life. But be careful not to be ungrateful for so many favors ». And showing himself in a royal suit and scepter in his hand, he gave him the blessing, leaving him with great consolation for his children, and with real inner change.

I have sinned, O my God, and too much I have disgusted your infinite goodness. Have mercy, Lord, pardon: I would rather die than turn your back on you again. You, prince of charity, St. Michael the Archangel, be my defender, my guide, my teacher, in making me expiate my penances with penance. Be, O most glorious prince, my defender to Divine Mercy, and obtain for me the grace of bearing fruit worthy of penance.

I greet you, O St. Michael, you from whom all grace of light and virtue descends to the faithful, enlighten me.

You will meditate on the wounds of Jesus Crucified and kiss them ardently, promising never to reopen them with sin.

Let us pray to the Guardian Angel: Angel of God, who you are my guardian, illuminate, guard, rule and govern me, who was entrusted to you by heavenly piety. Amen.