Our Lady in Medjugorje addresses the young people to tell him this ...

May 28, 1983
I want a prayer group to be formed here made up of people willing to follow Jesus without reservations. Anyone who wants to can join, but I recommend it especially to young people because they are freer from family and work commitments. I will lead the group by giving directions for a holy life. From these spiritual directives others in the world will learn to consecrate themselves to God and will be totally consecrated to me, whatever their state.

April 24, 1986
Dear children, today I invite you to pray. You forget, dear children, that you are all important. In particular, the elderly are important in the family: incite them to pray. May all young people be with their own example life to others and bear witness for Jesus. Dear children, I beg you: begin to change yourselves through prayer and it will be clear to you what you must do. Thanks for answering my call!

Message dated August 15, 1988
Dear children! Today begins a new year: the year of young people. You know that the situation of young people today is very critical. Therefore I recommend that you pray for young people and talk to them because young people today no longer go to church and leave churches empty. Pray for this, because young people have an important role in the Church. Help each other and I will help you. My dear children, go in the peace of the Lord.

Message dated August 22, 1988
Dear children! Also tonight your mother invites you to pray for young people from all over the world. Pray, my children! Prayer is necessary for today's young people. Live and bring my messages to others, especially look for young people. I also want to recommend to all my priests to form and organize prayer groups especially among young people, to collect them, give them advice and guide them on the path of good.

September 5, 1988
I want to warn you because in this time Satan tempts you and looks for you. Satan only needs a small inner void of yours to be able to work within you. Therefore, as your mother, I invite you to pray. May your weapon be prayer! With the prayer of the heart you will overcome Satan! As a mother I invite you to pray for young people from all over the world.

September 9, 1988
Also this evening your mother warns you against the action of Satan. I want to warn young people especially because Satan acts in a particular way among youth. Dear children, I want families, especially in this time, to pray together. That parents pray with their children and talk more with them! I will pray for them and for all of you. Pray, dear children, because prayer is the medicine that heals.

Message dated August 14, 1989
Dear children! I want to tell you that I am happy because this year we have done something for young people, we have taken a step forward. I wish to ask you that in families parents and children pray together and work together. I want them to pray as much as possible and to strengthen their spirit day by day. I, your mother, am ready to help you all. Thank you in prayer for all that you have received this year. Go in the peace of the Lord.

Message dated August 15, 1989
Dear children! This first year dedicated to young people ends today, but your mother wishes another one dedicated to young people and families to start immediately. In particular, I ask that parents and children pray together in their families.

August 12, 2005 (Ivan)
Dear children, also today I invite you to pray in a special way for young people and families. Dear children, pray for families, pray, pray, pray. Dear children, thank you for answering my call.

August 5, 2011 (Ivan)
Dear children, even today in this great joy of mine when I see you in this number, I wish to invite you and invite all the young people to participate today in the evangelization of the world, to participate in the evangelization of families. Dear children, pray, pray, pray. The Mother prays with you and intercedes with Her Son. Pray, dear children. Thank you, dear children, because even today you have answered my call.

November 22, 2011 (Ivan)
Dear children, also today in this time and in the time to come, I invite you to pray for my children, children who have moved away from My Son Jesus. In a particular way I invite you today, dear my children, to pray for the young . Why return to their families, and why they find peace in their families. Pray, my dear children together with the Mother and the Mother will pray together with you and will intercede with Her Son for all of you. Thank you, dear children, because you have answered my call today.