Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you how to open yourself to Jesus

March 25, 2002
Dear children, today I invite you to unite with Jesus in prayer. Open your heart to them and give them everything inside them: the joys, the sadnesses and the diseases. May this be the time of grace for you. Pray, children, and that every moment belongs to Jesus. I am with you and I intercede for you. Thanks for answering my call.
Some passages from the Bible that can help us understand this message.
Sirach 30,21-25
Do not abandon yourself to sadness, do not torment yourself with your thoughts. The joy of the heart is life for man, the joy of a man is long life. Distract your soul, console your heart, keep melancholy away. Melancholy has ruined many, nothing good can be gained from it. Jealousy and anger shorten the days, worry anticipates old age. A peaceful heart is also happy in front of food, what he eats tastes.
Numbers 24,13-20
When Balak also gave me his house full of silver and gold, I could not transgress the order of the Lord to do good or bad thing on my own initiative: what the Lord will say, what will I only say? Now I am going back to my people; well come: I will predict what this people will do to your people in the last days ". He pronounced his poem and said: “Oracle of Balaam, son of Beor, oracle of man with a piercing eye, oracle of those who hear the words of God and know the science of the Most High, of those who see the vision of the Almighty , and falls and the veil is removed from his eyes. I see it, but not now, I contemplate it, but not up close: A star appears from Jacob and a scepter rises from Israel, breaks the temples of Moab and the skull of the sons of Set, Edom will become his conquest and will become his conquest Seir, his enemy, while Israel will accomplish feats. One of Jacob will dominate his enemies and destroy the survivors of Ar. " Then he saw Amalek, pronounced his poem and said, "Amalek is the first of the nations, but his future will be eternal ruin."
Sirach 10,6-17
Do not worry about your neighbor for any wrong; do nothing in anger. Pride is hateful to the Lord and to men, and injustice is abominable to both. The empire passes from one people to another because of injustice, violence and wealth. Why on earth is it proud who is earth and ash? Even when alive his bowels are repugnant. The illness is long, the doctor laughs at it; whoever is king today will die tomorrow. When man dies he inherits insects, beasts and worms. The principle of human pride is to get away from the Lord, to keep one's heart away from those who created it. In fact, the principle of pride is sin; whoever abandons himself spreads the abomination around him. This is why the Lord makes his punishments incredible and scourges him to the end. The Lord has brought down the throne of the powerful, in their place has made the humble sit. The Lord has uprooted the roots of the nations, in their place has planted the humble. The Lord has upset the regions of the nations, and has destroyed them from the foundations of the earth. He uprooted and annihilated them, he made their memory disappear from the earth.
Isaiah 55,12-13
So you will leave with joy, you will be led in peace. The mountains and hills ahead of you will erupt in shouts of joy and all the trees in the fields will clap their hands. Instead of thorns, cypress trees will grow, instead of nettles, myrtle trees will grow; this will be to the glory of the Lord, an eternal sign that will not disappear.