Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you how and how much to make the Sacrament of Confession

Message dated August 6, 1982
People should be urged to confess every month, especially on the first Friday or first Saturday of the month. Do what I tell you! The monthly confession will be a medicine for the Western Church. If the faithful go to confession once a month, entire regions can soon be healed.
Some passages from the Bible that can help us understand this message.
John 20,19: 31-XNUMX
On the evening of that same day, the first after Saturday, while the doors of the place where the disciples were for fear of the Jews were closed, Jesus came, stopped among them and said: "Peace be with you!". Having said that, he showed them his hands and his side. And the disciples rejoiced at seeing the Lord. Jesus said to them again: “Peace to you! As the Father sent me, I also send you. " After saying this, he breathed on them and said: “Receive the Holy Spirit; to whom you forgive sins they will be forgiven and to whom you will not forgive them, they will remain unremitted. " Thomas, one of the Twelve, called God, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples then said to him: "We have seen the Lord!". But he said to them, "If I do not see the sign of the nails in his hands and do not put my finger in the place of the nails and do not put my hand in his side, I will not believe." Eight days later the disciples were at home again and Thomas was with them. Jesus came, behind closed doors, stopped among them and said: "Peace be with you!". Then he said to Thomas: “Put your finger here and look at my hands; stretch out your hand, and put it in my side; and no longer be incredulous but a believer! ". Thomas replied: "My Lord and my God!". Jesus said to him: "Because you have seen me, you have believed: blessed are those who, even if they have not seen, will believe!". Many other signs made Jesus in the presence of his disciples, but they have not been written in this book. These were written, because you believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and because, by believing, you have life in his name.

June 26, 1981
"I am the Blessed Virgin Mary". Appearing again to Marija alone, Our Lady says: «Peace. Peace. Peace. Be reconciled. Reconcile yourselves with God and among yourselves. And to do this it is necessary to believe, pray, fast and confess ».

Message dated August 2, 1981
At the request of the visionaries, Our Lady concedes that all those present at the apparition can touch her dress, which in the end remains smeared: «Those who have soiled my dress are those who are not in the grace of God. Confess frequently. Do not let even a small sin remain in your soul for a long time. Confess and repair your sins ».

Message dated February 10, 1982
Pray, pray, pray! Believe firmly, confess regularly and communicate. And this is the only way to salvation.

Message dated August 6, 1982
People should be urged to confess every month, especially on the first Friday or first Saturday of the month. Do what I tell you! The monthly confession will be a medicine for the Western Church. If the faithful go to confession once a month, entire regions can soon be healed.

Message dated October 15, 1983
You do not attend mass as you should. If you knew what grace and what gift you receive in the Eucharist, you would prepare yourself every day for at least an hour. You should also go to confession once a month. It would be necessary in the parish to dedicate to reconciliation three days a month: the first Friday and the following Saturday and Sunday.

November 7, 1983
Do not confess out of habit, to stay as before, without any change. No, that's not a good thing. Confession must give impetus to your life, to your faith. It must stimulate you to draw close to Jesus. If confession does not mean this to you, in truth you will be very difficult to convert.

Message dated December 31, 1983
I only wish you this new year to be truly holy for you. Today, therefore, go to confession and purify yourself for the new year.

Message dated January 15, 1984
«Many come here to Medjugorje to ask God for physical healing, but some of them live in sin. They do not understand that they must first seek the health of the soul, which is the most important, and purify themselves. They should first confess and renounce sin. Then they can beg for healing. "

Message dated July 26, 1984
Increase your prayers and sacrifices. I give special graces to those who pray, fast and open their hearts. Confess well and participate actively in the Eucharist.

Message dated August 2, 1984
Before approaching the sacrament of confession, prepare yourselves by consecrating yourselves to my Heart and the Heart of my son and invoke the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.

September 28, 1984
To those who want to take a deep spiritual journey I recommend purifying themselves by confessing once a week. Confess even the smallest sins, because when you go to the encounter with God you will suffer from having even the slightest lack within you.

March 23, 1985
When you realize that you have committed a sin, confess it immediately to prevent it from remaining hidden in your soul.

March 24, 1985
Eve of the Annunciation of Our Lady: “Today I want to invite everyone to Confession, even if you only confessed a few days ago. I wish you to live the party in your heart. But you will not be able to live it if you do not completely abandon yourselves to God. Therefore I invite you all to be reconciled to God! "

March 1, 1986
At the beginning of the prayer one must already be prepared: if there are sins one must recognize them in order to eradicate them, otherwise one cannot enter into prayer. Likewise, if you have concerns, you must entrust them to God. During prayer you must not feel the weight of your sins and your worries. During prayer the sins and worries you have to leave them behind.

September 1, 1992
Abortion is a serious sin. You have to help a lot of women who have aborted. Help them understand that it is a pity. Invite them to ask God for forgiveness and go to confession. God is ready to forgive everything, since his mercy is infinite. Dear children, be open to life and protect it.

Message dated January 25, 1995
Dear children! I invite you to open the door of your heart to Jesus as the flower opens to the sun. Jesus wishes to fill your hearts with peace and joy. Children, you cannot achieve peace if you are not at peace with Jesus. Therefore I invite you to confession so that Jesus may be your truth and peace. Children, pray for the strength to accomplish what I tell you. I am with you and I love you. Thanks for answering my call!

November 25, 1998
Dear children! Today I invite you to prepare yourselves for the coming of Jesus. In particular, prepare your hearts. May holy confession be for you the first step of conversion, and therefore, dear children, decide for holiness. May your conversion and decision for holiness begin today and not tomorrow. Children, I invite you all on the way to salvation and I wish to show you the way to heaven. Therefore, children, be mine and decide with me for holiness. Children, accept the prayer seriously and pray, pray, pray. Thanks for answering my call.

November 25, 2002
Dear children, I also invite you to conversion today. Open your heart to God, children, through holy confession and prepare your soul so that little Jesus can be born again in your heart. Allow him to transform you and lead you on the path of peace and joy. Children, decide for prayer. Especially now, in this time of grace, may your heart yearn for prayer. I am close to you and I intercede before God for all of you. Thanks for answering my call.