Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you the true path of faith to do

Message dated February 24, 1983
To a visionary who asks her for advice for a Catholic friend of hers who would like to marry an Orthodox, Our Lady replies: «You are all my children, but it is better that you do not marry that man since then he could have much to suffer together with his children. In fact, he will hardly be able to live and follow his path of faith ».

Message dated October 25, 1984
When in your spiritual journey someone creates difficulties or provokes you, pray and be serene and at peace, because when God begins a work no one stops him anymore. Have courage in God!

September 25, 1988
Dear children, I invite you all, without distinction, to the path of holiness in your life. God has granted you the gift of holiness. Pray to be able to know him better and thus be able to bear witness for God with your life. Dear children, I bless you and intercede for you with God, so that your journey and your testimony may be complete and be a joy for God. Thank you for having responded to my call!

Message dated January 25, 1989
Dear children, also today I call you on the path of holiness. Pray to know the beauty and greatness of this journey where God manifests himself to you in a particular way. Pray to be open to all that God works through you and to be able to thank God in your life and rejoice in all that He does through each of you. I bless you. Thanks for answering my call!

Message dated February 2, 1990
Dear children! I have been with you for nine years and for nine years I repeat to you that God the Father is the only way, the only truth and true life. I wish to show you the path to eternal life. I wish to be your bond for a deep faith. Take the rosary and gather your children, your family around you. This is the path to salvation. Set a good example for your children. Set a good example even for those who don't believe. You will not know happiness on this earth and you will not go to heaven if your hearts are not pure and humble and if you do not follow the law of God. I come to ask for your help: join me to pray for those who do not believe. You help me very little. You have little charity, little love for your neighbor. God gave you love, showed you how to forgive and love others. Therefore reconcile and purify your soul. Take the rosary and pray it. Accept all your sufferings patiently by remembering that Jesus suffered patiently for you. Let me be your mother, your bond with God and eternal life. Do not impose your faith on those who do not believe. Show them by example and pray for them. My children, pray!