Our Lady in Medjugorje speaks to you about prayer, seven Pater, Ave and Gloria

Message of June 25, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
After praying the Creed and seven Pater, Hail and Glory, Our Lady intones the song "Come, come, Lord" and then disappear.

Message of July 3, 1981 (Extraordinary message)
Before the seven Pater Ave Gloria always pray the Creed.

Message of July 20, 1982 (Extraordinary message)
In Purgatory there are many souls and among them also people consecrated to God. Pray for them at least seven Pater Ave Gloria and the Creed. I recommend it! Many souls have been in Purgatory for a long time because nobody prays for them. In Purgatory there are several levels: the lower ones are close to Hell while the higher ones gradually approach Heaven.

Message of September 23, 1983 (Message given to the prayer group)
I invite you to pray the rosary of Jesus in this way. In the first mystery we contemplate the birth of Jesus and, as a particular intention, we pray for peace. In the second mystery we contemplate Jesus who helped and gave everything to the poor and we pray for the Holy Father and the bishops. In the third mystery we contemplate Jesus who entrusted himself totally to the Father and always did his will and prays for priests and for all those who are consecrated to God in a particular way. In the fourth mystery we contemplate Jesus who knew he had to lay down his life for us and did it unconditionally because he loved us and prayed for families. In the fifth mystery we contemplate Jesus who made his life a sacrifice for us and we pray to be able to offer life for our neighbor. In the sixth mystery we contemplate the victory of Jesus over death and Satan through the resurrection and we pray that hearts can be purified from sin so that Jesus can rise again in them. In the seventh mystery we contemplate the ascension of Jesus to heaven and we pray that the will of God will triumph and be fulfilled in everything. In the eighth mystery we contemplate Jesus who sent the Holy Spirit and we pray that the Holy Spirit will descend on the whole world. After expressing the suggested intention for each mystery, I recommend that you open your heart to spontaneous prayer together. Then choose a suitable song. After singing pray five Pater, except for the seventh mystery where three Pater are prayed and eighth where seven Gloria are prayed to the Father. At the end he exclaims: "O Jesus, be strength and protection for us". I advise you not to add or take anything away from the mysteries of the rosary. That everything remains as I have indicated to you!

Message of November 16, 1983 (Message given to the prayer group)
At least once a day pray the Creed and seven Pater Ave Gloria according to my intentions so that, through me, God's plan can be realized.

Message of December 23, 1983 (Extraordinary message)
There are many Christians who are no longer faithful because they no longer pray. I begin to pray at least seven Pater Ave Gloria and the Creed every day.

Message of June 2, 1984 (Extraordinary message)
Dear children! You should renew your prayers to the Holy Spirit. Attend mass! And, after mass, you would do well to pray in the church the Creed and the seven Pater Ave Gloria as is done for Pentecost.