The Madonna appears to three children and proclaims herself the "Virgin with a golden heart"

On the evening of November 29, 1932, the virgin appeared for the first time to Alberto, Gilberto and Fernanda Voisin (aged 11, 13 and 15), Andreina and Gilberta Degeimbre (aged 14 and 9). That evening, father Voisin had instructed Fernanda and Alberto to go and get Gilberta from the school of the Pensioner of the nuns of Christian doctrine. Upon reaching the institute, the two made a sign of the cross to greet the Madonna (it is a statue of the Immaculate Conception placed in a cave as in Lourdes). After ringing the bell at the door, Alberto looked towards the cave and saw the Madonna walking. He called his sister and the other two girls who were arriving in the meantime. The nuns also arrived, who paid no attention to what the boy said; Gilberta Voisin also came out, who, having not heard his brother, knew nothing. On the steps of the staircase she cried, saying she saw the statue that was observing her. The 5 frightened boys fled; after passing the gate little Gilberta fell and the others turned to help her: they saw that the white and luminous figure was always there over the viaduct. They ran away and took refuge in the Degeimbre house. They told the facts to Mom who didn't believe them. So did the Voisin parents later. The following evening the boys saw the white figure move in the same place; likewise on the evening of December 1st. Returning again to the Pensionato around 2 pm, with the two mothers and some neighbors, the visionaries saw the Madonna next to a hawthorn. On Friday 19 December all the Voisins and Degeimbre children went to the pensioner around 33 pm. When they were a few meters from the hawthorn, the boys saw the Madonna. Alberto found the strength to ask her: "Are you the Immaculate Virgin?". The figure smiled sweetly, bowing his head and opening his arms. Alberto asked again: "What do you want from us?". The virgin replied: "May you always be very good." During the silent apparitions, which were 28 compared to 29 visions, the Madonna showed herself more and more beautiful and luminous, to the point of making them cry with emotion and joy. On the evening of December 30, the virgin showed the seers on her breast her Heart all shining golden, surrounded by luminous rays that formed a crown; he showed it again on the 31th to Fernanda and on the XNUMXth to the four girls and, finally, on the XNUMXst to all five.

The apparitions ended on January 3, 1933. That evening the Madonna communicated to the visionaries (except Fernanda and Andreina) some personal secrets. To Gilberta Voisin promised: “I will convert sinners. Goodbye!" While to Andreina she said: “I am the Mother of God, the Queen of Heaven. Always pray. Goodbye!" Fernanda, who had not had the vision, continued to pray crying, despite the rain; suddenly the garden was illuminated by a fireball which, shattering, showed her the Virgin, who said to her: “Do you love My Son? Do you love Me? Then, sacrifice yourselves for Me. Goodbye ”. And for the last time he showed His Immaculate Heart, opening his arms. The Bishop of Namur in 1943 allowed the cult of Our Lady of Beauraing; in October 1945 he blessed the first statue of the Madonna and on 2 July 1949 he recognized the supernatural character of the apparitions. In 1947 the first stone of the apparitions chapel had been laid. All the visionaries then had a normal life, getting married and having children. Our Lady of Beauraing is also called the "Virgin with a golden heart".