Our Lady appears to a 13-year-old girl who immediately recovers from deforming arthritis in her leg.

What we are about to tell you is the story of Camilla , a 13-year-old girl who was lucky enough to meet Maria. Our Lady will change her life and will follow her constantly until the revelation of a prophecy.


Camilla is suffering from a severe form of deforming arthrosis to the leg, which forces her to live every day, facing a thousand difficulties and making even small gestures difficult.

The girl had her first apparition at a young age and after this event her leg healed miraculously. Following this event the little girl became very pious, she prayed often and faith in the Madonna never abandoned her.

Unfortunately Camilla fell in love and married the wrong man, a completely unreliable man who will soon leave her alone. In 900 such a fact represented a serious event and the girl was marginalized and judged. So much so that in 1925, she tried 2 times to take their own life.


Our Lady appears and saves her on both occasions and from that moment Mary begins to receive several Message both from the Virgin and from Jesus Christ. In these messages, the Virgin exhorted her to offer her sufferings for the conversion of many sinners.

The Prophecy of Our Lady

In 1928 one of the many messages turned into a prophecy. The woman is foretold that the communism it would have spread all over the planet, causing great suffering. Camilla reporting her dialogue with God says that communism will sow her doctrine in many nations and will persecute the church. The Communists They will arrive in Rome and try to enter the Vatican and to kill the Pope. At that point God says he will let them be and when they think they have won, he will destroy them.

When Camilla asked him how he will destroy them, God will answer by saying that he is omnipotent and can do everything. He will drop a fire rain, or he will let them kill each other. Finally she told him not to despair because eventually the world would return to faith.