Our Lady appears three times in Germany and says what needs to be done

The Marian track leads us to the Marienfried sanctuary, located in the parish of Pfaffenhofen, a small village in Bavaria, 15 km away from the German city of Neu-Ulm. We cannot limit ourselves to presenting the sacred place and the devotion that characterizes it, but we will start from the event from which all this originated, or from the initiative of the Madonna that led the faithful to develop the devotion that characterizes the sanctuary of Marienfried. It is therefore a question of starting from the apparitions of the Virgin and from the messages delivered by Ella in 1946 to the visionary, Barbara Ruess, in order to grasp in all her strength and urgency the appeal to conversion that Mariefried addresses to the whole world. Apparitions which, according to Msgr. Venancio Pereira, bishop of Fatima who visited the German sanctuary in 1975, constitute "the synthesis of the Marian devotion of our time". Already these words are sufficient to highlight a link between Fatima and Marienfried, according to a key of interpretation that will allow to link these apparitions to the broader Marian design of the last two centuries, from Rue du Bac to the present day.

Our Lady begins to speak to her: “Yes, I am the Great Mediator of all graces. In the same way that the world cannot find mercy with the Father except through the sacrifice of the Son, so you can only be listened to by my Son through my intercession. " This debut is very important: Mary herself indicates the title with which she wants to be honored, or "Mediatrix of all graces", clearly reiterating when in 1712 Montfort had stated in his admirable "Treatise on true devotion to Mary", that is, like Jesus she is the only mediator between God and men, so Mary is the only and necessary mediator between Jesus and men. "Christ is so little known, because I am not known. For this reason the Father pours out his anger on the peoples, since they have refused his Son. The world has been consecrated to my Immaculate Heart, but this consecration has become a terrible responsibility for many. " Here we are dealing with two precise historical references: divine punishment is the Second World War, which had broken out as in Fatima had been threatened it would have happened if men had not converted. The consecration of the world and of the Church to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is what Pius XII actually did in 1942. “I ask the world to live this consecration. Have unlimited trust in my Immaculate Heart! Believe me, I can do everything with my Son! "

Our Lady clearly reiterates that the way to go is the road of the Cross, to bring glory to the Most Holy Trinity. Just as we must divest ourselves of selfishness, we must also note that everything Mary does does - as already in the Annunciation - according to the spirit of full availability to serve only and only the plans of God: "Here I am, I am the servant of the Lord ". Our Lady continues: “If you put yourselves completely at my disposal, I will take care of all the rest. I will load my beloved children with crosses, heavy, deep as the sea, because I love them in my immolated Son. Please: be ready to carry the cross, so that peace may come soon. Choose my Sign, so that the Triune God may be honored soon. I demand that men fulfill my wishes early, because this is Heavenly Father's will, and because this is necessary today and always to His greatest glory and honor. The Father announces a terrible punishment for those who do not want to submit to His will. " Here: "Be ready for the cross". If the only purpose of life is to give glory to God and to Him alone, and to gain eternal salvation so that the soul can continue to give it glory forever, what else does it matter to man? So why complain about the trials and difficulties of every day? Are they not the crosses of which Mary herself loads us for love? And do not the words of Jesus return in our minds and hearts: "Whoever wants to come after me, deny himself, take up his cross every day, and follow me"? Everyday. Here is the secret of perfect conformation to Jesus for Mary: to make every day the occasion to welcome and offer the crosses that the Lord gives us, knowing that they are necessary tools for our (and others) salvation. All through your dear Madonna, all for your sake, dear Jesus!

Then Our Lady invited Barbara to pray, saying: “It is necessary that my children praise, glorify and thank the Lord more. He created them precisely for this, for his Glory ”. At the end of each Rosary, these invocations must be recited: "You great, You faithful Mediator of all graces!". Much prayer is required for sinners. For this it is necessary that many souls put themselves at my disposal, so that I can give them the task of praying. There are so many souls who are just waiting for my children to pray. " As soon as the Madonna had finished speaking, immediately an immense group of Angels gathered around her, with long white robes, kneeling on the ground and bowing deeply. The angels then recite the hymn to the Holy Trinity that Barbara repeats and the parish priest, nearby, manages to shorthand, bringing it back to the version that we will eventually be able to pray together, dear friends. Then Barbara prays the Holy Rosary, of which Our Lady recites only the Our Father and the Glory to the Father. When the angelic host begins to pray, the triple crown that Mary, the "three times admirable", wears on her head becomes radiant and illuminates the sky. Barbara herself says: “When she gave the blessing, she spread her arms like the priest before the consecration, and I then saw only rays coming out of her hands that passed through those figures and through us. The rays came from above to his hands. For this reason the figures and we all became luminous. In the same way the rays came out of his body, passing through everything around him. She had become completely transparent and as if immersed in a splendor that cannot be described. She was so beautiful, pure and bright, that she could not find suitable words to describe her. I was blinded. I had forgotten all that was around there. I knew only one thing: that she was the Mother of the Savior. Suddenly, my eyes started to hurt from the flare. I looked away, and in that moment she disappeared with all that light and beauty. "