Our Lady of Providence provides for the needs of her children, Queen of Heaven we ask for your help

La Our Lady of Providence is one of the titles with which the Blessed Virgin Mary is venerated, considered by the Catholic Church as the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven.


The title Our Lady of Providence it would derive from the painting by Scipione Pulzone 'Mater Divinae Providentiae'. Painted in 1580, the picture was exhibited in the Church of San Carlo ai Catinari in Rome.

The Mother of God has been called this way since the first centuries del Christianity, in which the faithful experienced the maternal presence of Mary in their lives. The term "providence” refers to the fact that Mary is believed to be able to provide for the needs of her children, both spiritual and temporal. You can ask her for help in all difficult situations, when you feel alone and abandoned.

statue of the Madonna

What does Our Lady of Providence symbolize

In the prayer of the Our Father, in fact, it says "give us today our daily bread“, and Our Lady of Providence is the figure that reminds us how God's charity and goodness are also manifested through our prayer and our devotion to the Virgin Mary, who is its intermediary. It symbolizes hope that never gets lost, even in the face of life's difficulties.

Not surprisingly, faith in Our Lady of Providence was a strong help for many people during wars, famines, diseases, natural disasters and moments of crisis.

In many countries, the figure of Our Lady of Providence is depicted very differently according to local traditions. There are sculptures, paintings, icons and statues that represent her with the baby Jesus in her arms, but also alone, with a cloak that protects the people or with symbols that recall their protection and support. In any case, she is seen as the Mother who looks at each of us with affection and concern, capable of responding to our requests for help with her intercession.