The Madonna of the three fountains and the signs that took place in the sun


1) "It was possible to stare at the sun"

As Salvatore Nofri tells, over 3.000 faithful were present at the Grotta delle Tre Fontane on April 12, 1980, for the anniversary of 1947.
A normal anniversary like the previous ones, without anything in particular, a normal day of prayer and recollection. But here during the concelebration of the Mass in the square in front of the Grotto (Eight celebrants, presided over the Rector. P. Gustavo Paresciani) exactly at the time of the consecration, an extraordinary phenomenon similar to what occurred, at Cova di Iria, occurred October 13, 1917. Except that the phenomenon of the Three Fountains, unlike that, had a variety of signs.
In Fatima the sun appeared like a giant rainbow wheel, which turned and radiated many colors. He stopped three times and then seemed to detach himself from the firmament to fall to earth.
At Tre Fontane, the solar disk first behaved as in Fatima (except for the phenomenon of appearing about to fall on earth) but later it took on the color of a host, as if it were covered with a gigantic host " ; others saw a figure of a woman in the center of the star, others a large heart; others the letters JHS (= Jesus Savior of men); still others a large M (Maria); others the face of Jesus of the Shroud. Still others said they saw the Madonna with twelve stars on her head (the Virgin of the Apocalypse). Still others a man seated on a throne (God seated on a throne always in the image of the Apocalypse). Still another three luminous human figures, identical, arranged in a triangle, two above and one below (symbol of the Holy Trinity.).
Some have seen that the pink color taken from the sky around the sun looked like dust, as if it were made up of a myriad of falling rose petals. Many present said they saw the sun colored green, pink and white (the colors of the mantle and dress of the Virgin of Revelation. For some the sun was liquefied, others suspended, others as if it were a lamp.
The phenomenon lasted about thirty minutes from 17.50 to 18.20. Some present, however, say they have not seen anything, while others not present say they have seen it while staying in other parts of Rome. Some say they felt an intense scent of flowers during the phenomenon; still others to have seen so much light emanating from the Grotto.
b> 2) In 1985: “We saw it whirling around”, “it was like a solar eclipse”.

“So we took a few steps away from the wall and my mother (almost in unison with me) turned to look at the sun and contrary to what had happened to us before we managed to stare at it quietly and not only, we saw it turn.
At this point we shook hands, with a feeling of ecstasy; I felt drawn to that vision as if nothing could distract me from staring at it. So I said that I saw the sun whirling around on itself and all around the colors white first, then blue, finally pink followed each other in this vortex. All this lasted a long time ... then I saw how a yellow color and a large yellow disk was formed .., then a light never seen, very intense; immediately near another disk of equal size and splendor, then another equal always on the left. There are three discs left for a while .. then a fourth disc always going to the left, then a fifth, a sixth and again until they have filled in circles the whole horizon around us. As these discs formed, they were less shining than the first ones. What I saw was confirmed from time to time by my mother who saw the same things as me. Finally I managed to look away to look at the ground. Looking back in the sky I saw the same things and this for a long time.
What I have left is an indefinable feeling of inner peace and sweetness. The excerpt of this testimony, which I have reported in full in the Bulletin of the Grotto: The Virgin of Revelation, 8 December 1985, p. 10-11, is one of the many testimonials sent to us by people who, even in 1985 and previous anniversaries since 1980, had noticed extraordinary phenomena in the sun.

Another person present in 1985 on the anniversary of the apparition, had written this testimony which I extract from two long folders: 'But suddenly, around 17 or a little more, I see the sun dragged by a great light, a pink dart, then green, then red; I immediately put on dark glasses and I see it turn into a thousand colors, green was beautiful .., while we were serene enjoying this supernatural spectacle, I thought of taking off my dark glasses, and with great wonder I noticed that nothing changed in my sight. I saw exactly everything that until then I had seen with glasses. I don't know how long this show lasted, maybe an hour, maybe less. I felt that the television programs remained on changed (the witness saw the phenomenon from a place far from the cave).
My exclamations had to be many if my son had to tell me every now and then to calm down because everyone else in the building would hear them. "
3) In 1986: "the sun beats like a heart"

Also on 12 April 1986 the phenomenon of signs in the sun was repeated. Reports of testimonies have been published by various newspapers, but also photos of the sun captured during the phenomenon have been made public; and in particular a television program was created, broadcasting the smoke of the sun taken during an interview while giving the clear impression of being "like a beating heart".
The same statements are always obtained from the testimonies of people present not only interviewed, but of whom the voice has recovered while talking and commenting at the same moment in which they saw the phenomenon, or even from the recordings going around in the crowd with the microphone, the same statements are always obtained , on the symbols, on the colors, on the whirling of the sun, and also on the peace and serenity that everyone feels within the soul. However, there were also people on this occasion who saw absolutely nothing. However, there have also been some cases of a person who has gone to the doctor for eye burns.
However, he checked himself, and there was no news of changes in the sun from the astronomical observation instruments.
Therefore, phenomena that leave us truly surprised and which cannot be explained with the logic of human science alone.
4) The phenomenon occurred until 1987

In the fortieth anniversary of the apparition the phenomenon has repeated itself, it has also been photographed and then aired in television interviews. In 1988 no phenomenon was seen.
5) The meaning of the signs in the sun

It is legitimate to ask ourselves in front of these signs what their meaning is, their meaning, for those who see them, for those who do not see them, for humanity; or even what they mean in themselves. Leaving the scientists to make a judgment on the technical aspects, in order to try to understand their nature from a natural point of view, if there is a natural and satisfactory explanation from the scientific point of view, interpretative hypotheses of these signs can be attempted.
Obviously, the key to reading will be easy when it comes to interpreting signs and symbols which are already signs or signs in use for centuries in the history of Christianity, for which the contents meant in these signs will therefore also be clear. More difficult, however, could be the key to reading less usual signs in the ecclesiastical tradition or in Christian and Marian piety in particular.
Therefore, neglecting to dwell on the meaning of signs of which it is easy to grasp their Marian, ecclesial, Christological or Trinitarian meaning, I pause for a moment to consider the meaning of some less usual signs.
a) Symbolic meaning of the three colors of the sun: green, white, pink.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that these colors are the colors of the Virgin of Revelation, as reported by the visionaries, according to the description of which the statue of the Grotto was made.
The Virgin of Revelation who said she was “She who is in the Divine Trinity therefore it is legitimate to think that being in the Trinity she bears the colors of the Trinity, in the sense that the colors that cover her can signify the Most Holy Trinity, the individual persons of the Most Holy Trinity. In this sense I see the symbolic interpretation of the three colors of the sun that would represent the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit very suggestive and guessed, as reported in the Bulletin of the Grotto: The Virgin of Revelation 1/3 / (1983) 4 -5. As if there were a continuity between the Three Fountains (earth symbol), Lourdes (water symbol) and Fatima (sun symbol).
Green is the Father, that is, it represents creation, which is represented by mother earth. From the book of Genesis we know that God the Father creates all things and then entrusts them to men. The earth is given by God to man because it nourishes it. In fact, man receives from God "every green grass" (gen. 28-30) produced from the earth in food.
The Virgin of Revelation said: "With this land of sin I will work powerful miracles for the conversion of unbelievers" And in fact from the earth and with the land of the Three Fountains, sanctified by the presence of Mary, man does not receive a natural food, but a spiritual nourishment: conversion and wonders.
White is the Son, that is, the Word, who "in the beginning was with God ... without whom nothing was made of what exists" (Jn 1,1-3). After sin through the baptismal waters we return to being children of God again. In Rome through the symbolic medium of the green mother earth (the Father), in Lourdes through the symbolic medium of the white water of the forests that recalls the baptismal one, wonders are performed For the men. In fact, with the spring water in Lourdes the Immaculate Conception obtains countless graces from Christ. Pink represents the Holy Spirit, Love, the spirit of God that moves everything, that illuminates, warms or guides in freedom. The Virgin in Fatima appears outdoors, in the open air, in the blazing light of the yellow-pink sun (as many have also seen in the Tre Fontane Cave); that sun that brings life that makes life develop. And the Virgin Mother, bride of the Holy Spirit cooperates with him in giving us the Messiah our "life" and originating the community of the new covenant. She is a figure of the virgin Church and mother who generates the children of God in the Holy Spirit.
In Christianity everything is a symbol, everything is a sign. A technology of signs that manifested themselves at the Grotta delle Tre Fontane always lead us back to Trinitarian, Christological, Marian and ecclesiological truths, on which we are invited to reflect.
b) Beyond the signs .., beyond the symbols!

It is precisely this symbolic reading of signs, this theology of signs, which urges the Christian to look beyond the sign, beyond the symbol, to fix his attention on their meaning.
The extraordinary phenomena at the Grotta delle Tre Fontane can be a sign of heaven, a reminder of the Blessed Virgin to humanity, to individual men; but for this reason it is necessary not to stop at the sign; it is necessary to grasp what the Virgin wants to tell us; and especially what we have to do.
Humanity is in crisis. Idols and myths go to ashes; ideologies in which millions of men have believed or believe have been pulverized or pulverized. Rivers of words have flooded the earth, confusing, deluding. Words of men, words that have passed and will pass. The Virgin of Revelation comes to remind us that there is a book, the Gospel, in which words of eternal life are contained, the words of the Man-God, those that will never pass: "Heaven and earth will pass, but my words they will never pass. "
The return to the Gospel, therefore, is what the Virgin wants to show us; conversion to the gospel, to live its values, to pray.
Then the signs of heaven, even that of the sun of the Three Fountains, can only be seen as a sign of mercy, of love, of hope. The sign of a mother who is close to her children with clemency, indulgence, thoughtfulness.
Believers know that the conclusion of all the epochs of our planet has always been written by Our Lady, who added to the many titles under which she is venerated, the suggestive title of Virgin of Revelation, they look, despite the trepidation of the present time, confident towards that light of hope that through him has begun to shine for humanity: the child who carries on his knees, which is the peace and salvation of humanity.